SSENSE x Palm Angels 2015 秋季「A Praise to Eternity」形象短片

SSENSE 聯同 Palm Angels 發佈一則 Video Lookbook,展示由 Francesco Ragazzi 設計的全新系列。以「A Praise to

Fashion 時裝

SSENSE 聯同 Palm Angels 發佈一則 Video Lookbook,展示由 Francesco Ragazzi 設計的全新系列。以「A Praise to Eternity」為名,該短片將一所廢棄教堂作為取景地,選取獨特的滑板主題,將加州 Venice Beach 的滑手作為靈感源泉。系列單品整體呈現滑板學生風格,包括極具 70 年代風格的休閒西裝、騎行夾克、係扣襯衫、T-Shirt 以及印花喇叭褲,花紋則取自洛杉磯滑板文化以及加州插畫。以下是 Francesco Ragazzi 與 SSENSE 的對話摘錄,Palm Angels 2015 秋季新款現已可於 SSENSE 購買。

On embracing California culture:

Before going to L.A., I always fantasized about Cali life. As soon as I landed there and saw that golden light I understood there was a connection between my dreams and the reality. I started to photograph every detail of this new world. It was one picture I took one summer that made me go back to L.A. over and over again. It was a vision in my mind: blonde hair floating in the air, rays of light that capture bodies fighting gravity. For some religions, this is the portrayal of angels. For me, it was a beginning. I only had three or four good pictures shot randomly, but I had a clear vision of what I had to do. So I flew to L.A. every time I could and fell more and more in love with the city. Like Giotto in his time, I wanted to use a different perspective and tell my story through my camera. I wanted to capture skateboarding over and beyond all prejudices and see it through the eyes of an outsider.

On incorporating religious iconography into the collection:

For some religions, this is the portrayal of angels. For me, it was a beginning. Here, I was reporting a belief. I think that a passion for a sport with its routine is like a religion. The skaters’ moments of action are like prayers: a moment of solitude when you are with yourself. They wait for their turn under the palm trees and when the time comes, they fly in the brightness of that light that sculpts their silhouettes. For me, they are angels.

On taking inspiration from his novel ‘Palm Angels’:

The book helped me to create the aesthetic of the Palm Angels brand. It’s like I launched a manifesto that shaped the brand before it existed. Since I had a strong concept for my book, I wanted to find that in my collection. I felt that such an inspiring culture didn’t have a brand that reflects my concept. So me and my partner took Palm Angels to the next level.

On the skate culture theme:

I based the entire project on trying to upgrade skateboarding, with the maximum quality and craftsmanship.The inspiration came from brands like Brooks Brothers and Ralph Lauren: brands that are extremely authentic. I really wanted to push that classic American wardrobe and reinterpret it in a modern way. I’m obsessed by Californian minimalist art. That kind of architecture defines my brand; I need that simplicity in every piece of the collection.

On the brand’s launch:

SSENSE was one of the first partners for the Palm Angels project since you saw something different. And being able to communicate with your customer is a privilege. The SSENSE x Palm Angels video pushes the essence of the brand. We really wanted to visualize religion and skateboarding. With Palm Angels, I want to take that classic piece your father has in his wardrobe and project it into the future. Palm Angels has to be about authenticity, and that is immortal. It is a “praise to eternity.”



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