Dream Hotel 開設全球首個酒店球鞋禮賓部服務

在 Dream Hotel 1,600 平方英呎的複式套房里花費 $5,000 美元度過的一夜不僅可以享受到私人理髮、貼身酒保等服務,更有球鞋禮賓部為你提供包括 Yeezy 750

Footwear 球鞋

Dream Hotel 1,600 平方英呎的複式套房里花費 $5,000 美元度過的一夜不僅可以享受到私人理髮、貼身酒保等服務,更有球鞋禮賓部為你提供包括 Yeezy 750 Boosts、Nike Air MAG 在內的任何一雙你想要的球鞋。這間高檔潮流酒店的賓客服務主管 Davis 掌管著這個特別的球鞋禮賓部門,用他 20 年球鞋收藏累積的人脈,確保你能得到任何想要得到的球鞋。關於球鞋服務、運作流程等訊息可至 Sole Collector 了解更多。

When did you guys decide that this was something you wanted to offer to the guests?
Our vice president allowed employees to wear sneakers around certain areas of the hotel and every 30 seconds guests would break their neck and ask us, “Why is everyone on staff in the coolest pair of sneakers?” With those questions came us facilitating our connections with people in the sneaker industry to our guests and then we decided, “Why not include this program in the rollout of our $1 million renovation of the guest house?” So we added that, as well as things like a vibes curator, personal barista, and personal stylist.

How often are guests hitting you up for sneakers?
At first this sneaker concierge program was just meant for the guest penthouse only. Due to popular culture and all the exposure we received for the program, it became widely known and we’ve been getting contacted by upwards of 20 people per day — non-guests especially and guests. We’ve been continuing to roll out the program and we’ll move forward to ensure that it’s a staple across the brand as well. It’s extremely popular.

We’ll never extend it to anyone that’s not staying in the guesthouse, unless they ask. If you’re in the guesthouse, this is exclusive solely to you. Once you book the room, our sneaker stylist will contact you and then start building your sneaker profile. Once we build your profile, we can have anything you decide in your room upon arrival waiting in the walk-in closet.

You’re not just going to Foot Locker to pick up a pair of white Air Force 1s, right? You’re talking ANYTHING?
Only the exclusives. It’s extremely easy for us to get them. Due to the clientele we have staying here — brands that are leading the industry, some of the top artists in the entertainment industry who have sneaker deals and so on, those connections make it far easier for us to find sneakers.

Also, I have upwards of 20 years of sneaker collecting expertise myself. I worked for Nike when I was in college. My sneaker knowledge is quite large. It’s very easy. I just make one phone call to a specific individual. It just depends on the kind of sneaker and the brand. I have my high-end guys, my mid-tier guys, and my low-end guys, and my OG deadstock and rare guys. That’s easy. What we do is a service to our guest and we try to ensure that we get them the lowest possible price. Because these suppliers are friends of ours and connections we’ve had for a very long time.



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