designboom 專訪 Zaha Hadid - 談論與 United Nude 的 3D 打印概念鞋履設計

作為 2015 年米蘭設計周的一部分,鞋履品牌 United Nude 結合了 3D 打印技術打造了名為「Re-Inventing

Design 設計

作為 2015 年米蘭設計周的一部分,鞋履品牌 United Nude 結合了 3D 打印技術打造了名為「Re-Inventing Shoes」的展覽。邀來了世界知名的建築師與設計師參與設計概念鞋款,其中包括有 Ben Van Berkel,Fernando Romero,Michael Young,Ross Lovegrove 與 Zaha Hadid 等響亮的名字,此項目給設計師們完全自由創造的空間,對 3D 打印技術進一步探索。設計網站 designboom 最近便與 Hadid 探討了她參與這次設計的過程,對於鞋履設計的概念以及如何完成製作。完整專訪內容不妨前往 designboom 了解。

What were the main challenges when transferring your architectural language into the form of a pair of shoes and how were you able to overcome these issues? The shoe you designed for United Nude is both a challenge to preconceived formal limits of shoes, as well as a synthesis of materiality, ergonomics and dynamism, which aspect was conceived first and why was it more important than the other?
As a designer, you first have to understand how shoes land with each step, how the wearer can balance and also the ergonomics and dynamics of how to ensure comfort and support – it’s all about working with the foot. But of course our intention was also to create a shoe that explores new possibilities in terms of design and manufacturing techniques. All these aspects have been carefully considered as a whole, and I don’t think one is more important than the others.

With the continuing advancements in the field of 3D printing, was using the technology liberating in the sense that your design was accomplishable or did it propose new possibilities instead?
The 3D printing technology is definitely offering an exciting spectrum of new opportunities as we now have even more creative freedom and far less manufacturing limitations and constraints; great things can come out of this method of working!



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