MAD 創始人 René Redzepi 專訪「壽司之神」小野二郎
非營利組織 MAD 創始人同時也有「北歐廚神」之稱的 Noma 餐廳主廚 René Redzepi 最近與團隊一同前往日本拍攝記錄了傳奇壽司大师小野二郎。許多人通過 2011
非營利組織 MAD 創始人同時也有「北歐廚神」之稱的 Noma 餐廳主廚 René Redzepi 最近與團隊一同前往日本拍攝記錄了傳奇壽司大师小野二郎。許多人通過 2011 年的一部廣受好評的紀錄片《寿司之神》認識到這位大師,就連奧巴馬總統到東京時也曾拜訪過他的壽司店「數寄屋橋次郎」。
在影片中 Redzepi 前往東京來對談這位 90 歲高齡的大師,這位傳奇人物宣稱這或許是他人生中最後一次接受訪問。這次談話中小野二郎講述了自己對於工作的熱情以及當初的夢想,目前還為即將到來的 2020 年東京奧運會做準備。一起觀賞短片,也可從以下採訪节选中了解更多。
On loving your job:
“I have said before that you must like your job. If you start saying: ‘I don’t like this’ or ‘This isn’t the job for me,’ you won’t become an expert in anything. If you’ve taken on a job or career, you need to like it and continue moving forward. Young people today say they are great, but when it comes to work, they don’t compare to previous generations.”
When he finally felt he was a master at his craft:
“50 years… No, [I] never [wanted to stop making sushi]. The only question was, ‘How can I get better?’ … The person who has hit 60 or 70 and has achieved what they originally set out to do will never say ‘That’s enough.’ They’ll keep looking for the next step, the next goal. I can assure you, humans are like that.”
On progress:
“If you don’t learn to love your work and remind your brain to make new steps everyday, there can be no progress… There is a lot of failure before that [feeling of being a master]… You go through failures and successes, and more failures for years until it feels like you have achieved what you had in mind the whole time.”
On retiring:
“René, you must sometimes think about your retirement, and what you need to achieve to get to that point. However, when you reach that age and have completed your job, something new will come up. You’ll think to yourself: ‘What can I do now?’ You won’t quit.”“The people who are truly at the top won’t say that they want to retire after 70 or 80. They just fasten their belts after that.”