Jerry Lorenzo 宣佈與 PacSun 推出合作支線 FOG

「Clouds and darkness surround the throne… 19 . 97 . 2」

Fashion 時裝

在曝光品牌首個鞋履系列後,Fear of God 的創辦人 Jerry Lorenzo 早前又通過 Instagram 宣佈了與街頭名所 PacSun 的全新合作企劃。從他分享的圖片看來,雙方共同打造的系列將以「FOG」為名,而除了三張預覽圖片外,Lorenzo 並沒有透露更多消息。

以下是 Lorenzo 在 FOG 剛剛成立的 Instagram 中的發文,還請各位繼續留意 HYPEBEAST 的追蹤報道!

“…oh and to the high school kid who left that comment 42 weeks ago… sorry for taking so long to get back to you bro. just been busy man… you know this clothing game isn’t as easy as it may seem… the costs, resources, materials… labor, etc… it adds up. making and constructing luxury level items really isn’t inexpensive… so i apologize that the price tag has been too steep for you… anyhow, i hope your misconception or lack of understanding never clouded your thoughts or perspective on my intention… i’m still learning, building a better team and i figured some things out man… found a way to give you what you asked for, and still have some cash left to take that girl out you were talking about… hope you guys are still goin’ strong… anyhow, this is for you my man. i hope you like it… peace.”



Ye 發佈長篇聲明公開抨擊 adidas 與 Jerry Lorenzo 
Fashion 時裝

Ye 發佈長篇聲明公開抨擊 adidas 與 Jerry Lorenzo 

Ye 認為 Jerry Lorenzo 虛偽而不忠的抄襲其創意。

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Jerry Lorenzo 率先曝光 Fear of God x adidas Jabbar High 最新聯名鞋款

Jerry Lorenzo 個人肖像出現在鞋舌之上。

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Jerry Lorenzo 率先揭曉 adidas x Fear of God Athletics II Basketball「Derrick Rose」籃球鞋款

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