專訪街拍攝影師 Tommy Ton - 談論購物喜好、球鞋收藏以及最愛設計師

Tommy Ton 毫無疑問是當今最具影響力的街拍攝影師,除了擁有無人能及的敏銳時尚嗅覺之外,穿梭於各大秀場內外的他還可謂時尚世界的一張「活地圖」,大到每座城市的時尚聚焦區,小到深藏街道的買手

Fashion 時裝

Tommy Ton 毫無疑問是當今最具影響力的街拍攝影師,除了擁有無人能及的敏銳時尚嗅覺之外,穿梭於各大秀場內外的他還可謂時尚世界的一張「活地圖」,大到每座城市的時尚聚焦區,小到深藏街道的買手 Select 店舖,全都瞭如指掌。近日, 就對 Tommy Ton 進行了獨家專訪,就當今線上店鋪與實體門店各異的購物體驗等話題娓娓而談。一向鍾情於日本時尚零售業的 Tommy 還依據自身購物經歷,就如何評斷一家店舖的品質發表了自己的獨到見解;此外,自稱不是 「sneakerhead」 的他還分享了個人球鞋收藏歷程和穿搭心得。感興趣的朋友可以前去 在線閱讀專訪完整內容。

As a consumer, what do you think makes a good retail experience versus a good e-commerce experience?

First things first, it’s definitely how your store is curated. What brands you decide to buy and also what type of products you decide to buy from the showroom. It takes someone with a really good eye to be able to have a certain zeitgeist and understand what people are gonna want to wear or what’s going to blow people’s minds. I hate it when you go into a store and you see so much product just on the racks, and you know that they’re not selling the product or they just didn’t know how to buy it.

The moment you walk into a store, whether it’s a women’s or men’s store, there has to be a certain atmosphere and environment, and when your sales staff isn’t very knowledgeable or even approachable, that’s an easy deterrent for me to walk away and not wanna come back. That’s probably why I spend a lot of time shopping online, because I just don’t really like dealing with sales associates.

What are some of your favorite online shops?

Well, my first favorite is probably, just because I find it more fascinating buying out of season. I’m definitely an advocate of “buy now and wear later,” so that’s why I spend a lot of my time on Yoox, and it’s also the thrill of the hunt—not knowing when something’s gonna drop and what size you can get.

I spend a lot of time on, as well. I think probably the best curated shop online for menswear is Très Bien. I think those guys have obviously done an amazing job, and what they’ve created is the best prototype for a men’s online store. I can’t buy any clothes from The Line or The Apartment, but I think their transition from store to online experience is really great.

How do you shop, with objectives or emotions, like the feeling of discovering something you didn’t know you needed until you found out it existed?

I think it’s all over the place with me. I try to think more with my head than emotions, because I feel like if you get carried away with emotions, then you just walk out of the store or showroom with more than you anticipated. You definitely have to think hard—“Do I need this?” “Am I going to wear it?” The one thing I keep asking myself more and more as I accumulate more clothes is: Am I really gonna wear this? and What practicality does it have in my life? Usually the cases where I do go a little bit nuts is more when I get to order from a showroom or designer. I think once you have the retail price crossed off and you’re buying wholesale, it’s definitely more liberating.



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