專訪時裝品牌 Band of Outsiders 主理人 Scott Sternberg
加州時尚品牌 Band of Outsiders 的主理人兼好萊塢星探 Scott Sternberg 最近接受了 一次有關日常生活工作的深入訪談。已經創辦品牌已經超過 10

加州時尚品牌 Band of Outsiders 的主理人兼好萊塢星探 Scott Sternberg 最近接受了 一次有關日常生活工作的深入訪談。已經創辦品牌已經超過 10 年時間的 Sternberg 在設計上所呈現的古怪新奇風格已經受到關注并為人熟知,在訪談中除了談及設計的靈感之外,更深入到生活中的話題。留意以下內容的同時也可前往 查看完整訪問。
How has American style changed?
At its core, American style hasn’t changed so much at all—it’s rooted in sportswear, whether that takes more of a sartorial or sporty bent. American fashion, on the other hand, has become super-diverse with so many different voices and aesthetics.
What was your approach to opening your new store? What did you want people to walk into?
I wanted to create a super-fresh, clean environment that didn’t draw upon retail clichés but created sort of a blank slate for the collections and other projects we plan to display and launch in the shop.
What do you think about e-commerce versus brick-and-mortar? Why will people always want to shop offline?
E-commerce is really efficient for restocking what you already know you like, and a great way to shop by comparison and get a clear, broad picture of what’s out there. A brick-and-mortar retail environment is an experiential deep dive into a brand’s DNA.