《Wall Street Journal》專訪設計師 Jon Buscemi
著名財經日報《Wall Street Journal》日前采訪了街頭創意人士 Jon Buscemi,探討他創建奢華鞋履品牌的故事。Jon Buscemi 曾經先後在滑板品牌 DC Shoes

著名財經日報《Wall Street Journal》日前采訪了街頭創意人士 Jon Buscemi,探討他創建奢華鞋履品牌的故事。Jon Buscemi 曾經先後在滑板品牌 DC Shoes 與眼鏡大廠 Oliver Peoples 任職,並且積攢了豐富的生意經驗,之後他又同好友創立的鞋履品牌 Gourmet,將加州的慵懶氛圍與自己的意大利情結結合,創造出一雙又一雙令人驚豔的鞋款。從 Gourmet 隱退之後他沒有閑著,而是創立了奢華鞋履品牌 Buscemi,繼續在 Hi-End 領域發揮自己的創造力。文中 Jon 也大談自己與高端零售商之間的合作經驗,以及鞋履設計背後的靈感等內容,感興趣的朋友不妨點擊這裏完整閱讀。
The brand’s co-founder and creative director, Jon Buscemi, who started his career as a stockbroker, said he was able to snag prized shelf space in ritzy stores for his unknown shoe line by taking the sneaker industry’s limited-edition strategy to the extreme.
He said he was inspired by the Hermès Birkin bag—an expensive, sought-after handbag that the French company doesn’t advertise and offers only to selected customers.
Mr. Buscemi and his partners said they wanted to create a sneaker-world equivalent. “I can’t just walk around with a purse,” said Buscemi’s vice president of marketing, Rob Heppler, a streetwear blogger who was working at an ad agency when he helped hatch the plan with Mr. Buscemi, his friend.