'Elden Ring' Speedrun World Record Is Now Under 9 Minutes

'Elden Ring' Speedrun World Record Is Now Under 9 Minutes

Thanks to a discovered feature called “mega zips.”

Twitch Streamer Completes 'Elden Ring' Without Suffering Any Damage at All

Twitch Streamer Completes 'Elden Ring' Without Suffering Any Damage at All

But it took more than 130 hours of practice.

Intel Teases Its ARC “A-Series” Limited Edition Graphics Card

Intel Teases Its ARC “A-Series” Limited Edition Graphics Card

Finally launching this summer.

FromSoftware Updates 'Elden Ring' With Even More Quests

FromSoftware Updates 'Elden Ring' With Even More Quests

But Mimic Tear has been nerfed.

FromSoftware Hopes to Take 'Elden Ring' "Beyond the Realm of Games"

FromSoftware Hopes to Take 'Elden Ring' "Beyond the Realm of Games"

After selling 12 million copies worldwide in just a month.

‘Elden Ring’ Sells Over 12 Million Copies Worldwide

‘Elden Ring’ Sells Over 12 Million Copies Worldwide

Less than a month after the game’s release.

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