售價更為便宜的 Sony PlayStation 5 Slim 模型機外觀疑似洩漏
爆料者認為這台 PlayStation 5 Slim 模型機令人失望。

上月迎來三週年紀念的 Sony PlayStation 5 於全球銷量突破 4,000 萬台,並傳出將在年底推出售價更為便宜的 PlayStation 5 Slim($399.99 美金),近日網路上有疑似為模型機的外觀影片洩漏。
Twitter 用戶 @BwE_Dev 率先曝光編號為 CFi-2016 的 PlayStation 5 Slim 模型機(疑似),並稱之比 PlayStation 5 短上 5 公分,而且沒有外界預想中的輕薄,曲線變得相對奇怪,外殼多出兩條夾縫,然後通風孔變得更小,並搭載兩個 USB-C,且背面還有 PlayStation 四個經典按鈕的標誌細節,最後稱之如果此台模型機為最終機型會令人相當失望。
消息稱 PlayStation 5 Slim 將於近期正式發佈,Sony 官方尚未證實此事,有興趣的讀者們敬請留意未來相關報導。
Note that the SKU on the case doesn’t have A or B (Disc/Digital). So my guess is that it comes without the drive and you buy it and attach it later like in the video? Would it then be slim enough to call it a slim? Maybe. It’s definitely thinner when you compare the bottom.
— BwE (@BwE_Dev) August 11, 2023
If its real and not a prototype, I will be very disappointed when its released. Not sure how they’ll justify it beyond it being smaller? Its definitely not slim.
— BwE (@BwE_Dev) August 9, 2023
The 2000 series PS5 “Slim” looks a little bit shit.
— BwE (@BwE_Dev) August 9, 2023
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