草間彌生全新展覽《You, Me and the Balloons》正式登陸英國曼徹斯特

作為「2023 曼徹斯特國際藝術節」的一部分,日本藝術家草間彌生正式登陸斥資 2.11 英鎊打造的 Factory International 新旗艦場館 Aviva Studios 舉辦最新展覽《You, Me and the Balloons》。
上述展覽是 Aviva Studios 開幕項目之一,其中集結草間彌生眾多大型充氣作品(多件創作高度均超過 10 公尺),包括《The Hope of the Polka Dots Buried in Infinity will Eternally Cover the Universe》(2019)、《Kusama’s inflatable Clouds》(2023),以及影像作品《Song of a Manhattan Suicide Addict》(2007)、鼓勵觀者躺下進行思考的雲朵雕塑等,匯聚過去 30 年間的心血,帶來超現實迷幻仙境般的沈浸式體驗。
“It would be interesting if people would experience the show as a wonderland. The experience of the scale is what’s important. Inflatable works expanded my creative means in terms of scale that could not have been achieved by stuffed soft sculptures, and the freedom of placing them up in the air.
For me, the world is genuinely full of surprises. It is not that I want to inspire a childlike awe or wonder, but to inspire through my genuine perception of the world.”
《You, Me and the Balloons》展覽預計將展至 8 月 28 日,有興趣的讀者不妨下滑了解更多,或直接前往官網查看票券資訊。
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