Kanye West 遭攝影師控告未經授權使用其圖片
該攝影師表示自 Kanye West 使用此圖片後,她就無法再從這張圖片賺取任何費用。

Kanye West 再度陷入官司纏身,近日一位名為 Michaela Efford 的攝影師起訴 Kanye West 未經授權使用其圖片。
整起事件源自於 2022 年 9 月 Kanye West 主辦的 YEEZY Season 9 展示會,當時他身穿印有 White Lives Matter 的上衣,被 Vogue 特約編輯 Gabriella Karefa-Johnson 批評,而 Kanye West 就拿出了 Michaela Efford 拍攝的照片來回擊。
Michaela Efford 在訴訟中表示自從 Kanye West 未經同意使用了這張圖片後,導致她無法再從這張圖片賺取版權或者營銷收益,她要求 Kanye West 賠償其損失,不過詳細金額目前尚未確認。
So repulsive to see Kanye West dedicating his time/Instagram to ripping Gabriella Karefa-Johnson to shreds considering how thoughtfully she engaged with the statement he made at his show. https://t.co/rHIJxQRDgR pic.twitter.com/yaxSUfkSpj
— Brodie Lancaster (@brodielancaster) October 4, 2022
Kanye West mocks fashion editor Gabriella Karefa-Johnson after she criticized him for wearing a ‘White Lives Matter’ shirt alongside Candace Owens. pic.twitter.com/NNHFHxeZwg
— Pop Crave (@PopCrave) October 4, 2022
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