Disney 真人版改編電影《小美人魚 The Little Mermaid》最新劇照曝光

Disney 真人電影《小美人魚 The Little Mermaid》繼上月曝光最新預告之後,Entertainment Weekly 近日正式公開最新電影劇照。
由 Rob Marshall 執導的《小美人魚 The Little Mermaid》由 Halle Bailey 飾演「小美人魚」Ariel、 Melissa McCarthy 飾演 Ursula、Jonah Hauer-King 飾演人類王子 Eric、Javier Bardem 飾演 King Triton、Noma Dumezweni 飾演 Eric 的母親 Queen Selina,而劇照中則能看見以上主要角色的亮相。
據了解人類王子 Eric 曾經洽談 Harry Styles 出演,但最終遭到推遲,而 Ursula 在本片將改變設定成 King Triton 的妹妹,意味著她也是 Ariel 的姑姑,此變動引用自 2008 年百老匯同名音樂劇的劇本。Melissa McCarthy 表示本次演出 Ursula 的靈感來自變裝皇后 Divine:「我心裡住了一個變裝皇后,我總是想與她合作共事。」有趣的是 Melissa 曾在 2011 年扮成 Divine 為 Entertainment Weekly 進行拍攝,而編劇 John DeLuca 稱 Ursula 為家族中的「害群之馬」。
最後,能看到本片對於原作設定進行大量調整,有興趣的讀者們不妨多加期待導演將以何種視角詮釋這本世界名著,本片將於今年 5 月 26 日上映。
Making a splash! 🧜🏾♀🌊 @HalleBailey, @melissamccarthy, and #TheLittleMermaid director Rob Marshall share the tale behind making their underwater musical with a ground-breaking Disney princess. https://t.co/9SX84MUpua Story by @NickARomano pic.twitter.com/xejHpGTLA4
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) April 4, 2023
Disney’s live-action #TheLittleMermaid has the classic moments fans love and many new elements that help expand the story. See more new photos: https://t.co/9WhjUEpjlK
📷: Giles Keyte/Disney, Disney pic.twitter.com/YG6GMsjjaX
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) April 4, 2023
“My observation of what they’ve created and the tiny bit that I have observed is a thing of absolute beauty.”
Here’s your first look at #CursedChild Tony nominee Noma Dumezweni as Prince Eric’s mom, Queen Selina, in #TheLittleMermaid: https://t.co/rwc2o0JsPT pic.twitter.com/HFXXyN2mTT
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) April 4, 2023
EW did a shoot with Melissa McCarthy for our 2011 comedy issue where she dressed as the drag queen Divine, who was the original inspiration for Ursula in #TheLittleMermaid. McCarthy now says she “100%” used drag to inform her performance. https://t.co/VNFkKjYlid pic.twitter.com/vdpAo4zJcu
— Nick Romano (@NickARomano) April 4, 2023
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