DC 年度英雄集結大作《閃電俠 The Flash》首波影評正式公開
「《黑暗騎士》後最偉大的 DC 英雄電影。」

Ezra Miller 主演 DC 年度英雄集結大作《閃電俠 The Flash》日前釋出最新預告之後,近日網絡正式出爐首波影評。
本片除了 Ezra Miller 一人飾演兩名閃電俠之外,一舉集結 Ben Affleck 與 Michael Keaton 飾演之兩代蝙蝠俠、Sasha Calle 飾演的「超少女 Supergirl」與 Michael Shannon 回歸飾演《Man of Steel》中的反派 General Zod,可視為繼《正義聯盟》之後最強的卡司集結之作。
本片於三月份搶先獲得 Tom Cruise 觀賞後的高度讚賞,而今番為讀者們整理網絡上的首波影評內容:
首先,來自 Fandango 與 Rotten Tomatoes 的記者 Erik Davis 表示《閃電俠》將會是有史以來最傑出的超級英雄電影之一,有著影迷心中超級英雄電影該有的一切,像是精彩的動作排場、出色的卡司陣容還有極具創造性的敘事方式,Erik 更表示在觀影過程中他不小心落淚了。
另外亦有影評提到本片是《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士 The Dark Knight》之後最好的 DC 電影,並稱讚 Michael Keaton 的回歸演出令人激賞,聲稱本片就是:「這就是我們現在所需要的電影。(This is the kind of movie we need now.)」
來自 Collider、Screen 與 CBR 的記者 Rob Keyes 則表示本片會有一些令人難以置信的東西,並成功向影迷們展示了 Barry Allen 更多超能力的樣貌,非常適合作為 DCEU 新舊宇宙之間的橋樑故事,而它也是目前 DC 最有趣的電影。
其餘影評皆一致認同與稱讚本片在視覺及概念上極具創造性,大力稱讚 Ezra Miller 飾演的兩名 Barry Allen 的互動相當引人入勝,情感方面更是成功建立核心得以讓影迷們信服,最終為其帶來十足驚喜與娛樂性,更稱之為:「過去 30 年以來最偉大的 DC 電影。」
The Flash is hands down one of the best superhero films of all time. No joke, The Flash is the ultimate movie going experience as it has a little bit of everything! Action, emotion, heart, humor and plenty of nostalgia. Ezra Miller is phenomenal as dual Barry Allens. Michael… pic.twitter.com/F7SHA30vZM
— Scott Menzel (@ScottDMenzel) April 26, 2023
BELIEVE THE HYPE! Christopher Nolan movies aside, #TheFlashMovie is the GREATEST DC movie of the last 30 years that belongs in the same conversation as SUPERMAN 78 and BATMAN 89. The movie breaks incredible new ground in superhero cinema & honors DC lore of years past. #TheFlash pic.twitter.com/zGkhpfjlsl
— Umberto Gonzalez (@elmayimbe) April 26, 2023
After 30 years, Michael Keaton returns as Batman and his appearance in #TheFlashMovie is a true highlight. He delivers insanely awesome scenes, with great nods to his previous time in the role. He is one of the true standouts of the film. #CinemaCon pic.twitter.com/8ujCfq2pPy
— Dorian Parks (@DorianParksnRec) April 26, 2023
Just watched #TheFlash at CinemaCon. It has some stuff in it you will not believe and it showcases much more of Barry Allen’s powers. It is indeed one of DC’s best and fits nicely as a bridge story between the old and new DCEU franchises. It’s also the funniest DC movie. pic.twitter.com/uDepMKVVG1
— Rob Keyes (@rob_keyes) April 26, 2023
I am happy to confirm that #TheFlash is the best DC film since The Dark Knight. Keaton returns to his iconic role seamlessly and is joined by a League of familiar faces that fans will be Super surprised to see 😉. This is the kind of movie we need now. pic.twitter.com/nE8jEuvZSO
— Scoob (@ScoobertOnFilm) April 26, 2023
DC’s #TheFlash is TREMENDOUS! Forget DC, it is without a doubt among the best superhero films ever made. An all-timer. Inventive storytelling, FANTASTIC action sequences, great cast. SO MANY nerdy details. I’m in tears at the end. Everything you want from a superhero film & more pic.twitter.com/xYSn0zuXMm
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) April 26, 2023
this is truly one of the best superhero movies ever. believe the hype. oh my god. #TheFlash
— Matt Ramos (@therealsupes) April 26, 2023
Damn, #TheFlash is good! It’s super inventive both visually and in concept. The dynamic of two Barry Allen’s is crazy well done.
Emotions hit me intensely hard, solid surprises, and it got me wanting to watch again and really eager to see how they follow it. Well done. pic.twitter.com/7QqiHVNAJy
— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) April 26, 2023
#TheFlashMovie has some of the most beautifully over the top action sequences in a Superhero movie ever. It was poetry in motion in the most thrilling way.
The movie has a heart to it, the emotional moments are truly moving. It’s also genuinely hilarious, deep cuts were made. pic.twitter.com/a4odFYSJRA
— joe aranda @ cinemacon (@JoeySpielberg) April 26, 2023