Marvel Studios 最新影集《回聲女 Echo》首波影評正式公開

Marvel Studios 最新影集《回聲女 Echo》在上月初公開首支前導預告後,吸引了許多影迷的關注,而近日 Marvel 也在英國率先展開前幾集的試映,並隨後解禁了相關影評。
《Echo》由 Alaqua Cox 飾演主角 Maya Lopez「Echo」,雖然天生患有聽覺障礙,但反應速度卻過於常人,身為「金霸王」(Vincent D’Onofrio 飾演)的養女,她還具有美國原住民的身份,本劇將對其身份進行深刻描繪和角色推進。
首先來自 Total Film 的編輯 Emily Murray 提到:「《Echo》前兩集有著令人難以置信(且暴力)的戰鬥場景,我想一遍又一遍地觀看,音效設計也相當驚豔。」FILMHOUNDS Magazine 編輯 Paul Klei 則表示:「如果 MCU 的每況愈下讓你渴望一些更接地氣的作品,那麼《Echo》絕對就是,看了兩集,這是一部具有強烈美洲原住民文化氣息的動作驚悚片。」
The Digital Fix 編輯 Tom Percival 提到:「我認為 Netflix 版本《夜魔俠》的粉絲會喜歡它。」Tyrell Charles 認為《Echo》是一部充分接地氣且由角色驅動的故事,並且暗示著更大的事件即將發生,最後再次強調動作場景令人印象深刻。
上述試映的影評皆來自《Echo》的前 2、3 集,系列將在 2024 年 1 月 10 日正式上線,有興趣的讀者不妨多加留意。
Enjoyed the first two episodes of #ECHO which had an incredible (and violent) fight scene I want to watch again and again. The sound design is 🔥
The brilliant Alaqua Cox continually draws me in, but I found the storytelling and pacing shaky.
Excited to see the rest!
— Emily Murray (@EmilyVMurray) December 7, 2023
If the world ending stakes of the MCU have you longing for something more grounded #Echo is the gritty tonic. Two episodes seen and it’s a hard hitting action thriller with a great sense of Native American culture. Cant wait to see the final three when they drop in Jan.
— Paul Klein 👾 (@paulkleinyoo) December 7, 2023
Saw the first two episodes of #echo tonight and have a lot of thoughts. I think fans of Netflix’s Daredevil are going to love it. It’s like Marvel remembered it can be violent and dark. Alaqua Cox is amazing! Although I don’t love all the creative decisions though
— Tom Percival (@twpercival1) December 7, 2023
I’ve seen 3 eps of #Echo | A grounded, character driven story with hints of bigger things to come. The strong focus on Maya’s indigenous heritage & personal history intrigues me; and while some quiet moments slow the pacing; when the action scenes come, they are indeed brutal.
— Tyrell Charles (@TheoriesByT) December 7, 2023
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