Taika Waititi 承認對《雷神索爾 Thor》毫無興趣:「全是為了賺錢,因為當時我很窮」

近期確認不會回歸執導《雷神索爾 Thor》第五部續集的導演 Taika Waititi,在近期專訪中坦承自身對於《Thor》毫無興趣,表示當初會接下這個工作全因經濟狀況考量:「全是為了賺錢,因為當時我很窮」。
Taika Waititi 在接受 Podcast 節目 SmartLess 時表示自己從一開始就不想參與超級英雄電影的製作項目,會接手《Thor》這個系列全是因為當下的經濟狀況必須讓他這麼做:「我根本沒有興趣拍這種電影,這並不在我個人導演生涯的規劃裡,但當時我很窮,家裡又迎來第二個孩子,而我在想:『這或許是我賺錢養小孩的絕佳機會』」。
此外,Taika Waititi 更補充說道:「我們誠實以對,《Thor》漫畫可能是最不受歡迎的系列,我從小時候就沒有看過,甚至對其有點反感,然後我對原作做了一些研究,大概翻了 18 頁,但我仍然對這個角色一無所知,而當 Marvel 會來找我時,應該就他們代表走投無路了。」
You know what? I had no interest in doing one of those films, It wasn’t on my plan for my career as an auteur. But I was poor and I’d just had a second child, and I thought, ‘You know what, this would be a great opportunity to feed these children.
And ‘Thor,’ let’s face it — it was probably the least popular franchise,” he continued. “I never read ‘Thor’ comics as a kid. That was the comic I’d pick up and be like ‘Ugh.’ And then I did some research on it, and I read one ‘Thor’ comic or 18 pages, or however long they are. I was still baffled by this character.
I think there was no place left for them to go with that. I thought, ‘Well, they’ve called me in, this is really the bottom of the barrel.
Taika Waititi 首部 MCU 作品《Thor: Ragnarok》於 2017 年正式上映,全球票房達到 $8.65 億美金,成為系列最佳成績,更被外界譽為 MCU 中最棒作品之一,爾後便接手拍攝續集《Thor: Love and Thunder》,不料此次遭逢滑鐵盧,評價與票房皆表現不如預期,而 Taika 也在本月證實不會回歸執導《Thor 5》,不過在未來他十分樂意回歸重聚。
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