Kevin Durant 要求籃網老闆蔡崇信於他與總經理、總教練中做出抉擇
KD 對籃網現況充滿不信任。

Kyrie Irving 於七月初向 Brooklyn Nets 提出交易申請,如今 KD 與老闆蔡崇信(Joe Tsai)再次面談,重申要他與總經理、教練中做出抉擇,藉此以表他對球隊現階段的不信任。
本次面談中,Kevin Durant 清楚地表達為何他會提出交易,並堅定自身立場,而告知蔡崇信不是選他,就是總經理 Sean Marks 及總教練 Steve Nash,讓老闆陷入「二選一」的困境。據了解,本次會談過程一切透明化與專業,而事後蔡崇信發文表示制服組和教練組將擁有他的支持,他將會根據球團最大利益作出決定。
Sources: Kevin Durant informed Joe Tsai that he does not have faith in the Nets‘ direction. The meeting was described as transparent and professional, with a clear message: Keep me — or the GM and coach.
— Shams Charania (@ShamsCharania) August 8, 2022
Our front office and coaching staff have my support. We will make decisions in the best interest of the Brooklyn Nets.
— Joe Tsai (@joetsai1999) August 8, 2022
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