StockX 對「Nike 指控平台販售假鞋」發表最新聲明
StockX 稱自家驗證過程為市面上最嚴格。

Nike 在上個月指控 StockX 涉嫌販售假鞋,指控發出後,StockX 駁斥了 Nike 的指控,聲稱「提交的文件不僅毫無根據,而且令人好奇的是,他們的團隊表達了對我們驗證計畫的信心。」認為 Nike 的指控缺乏足夠根據。
StockX 近日再更新其聲明,繼續堅定認為 Nike 的說法毫無根據。最新聲明表示,StockX 繼續信任他們的驗證計畫,並將其稱為市面上最「嚴格」的驗證過程。為了表明他們對驗證的重視程度,StockX 表示「已投資數百萬美元來打擊仿冒產品的氾濫,在全球 11 個驗證中心僱傭了 300 多名驗證人員。」StockX 還指出,Nike 最近的指控與其過去的行為以及與 StockX 就其驗證過程進行的交易相矛盾。
“Despite numerous opportunities to offer feedback or criticisms, at no time in the past did Nike express concerns to StockX about its authentication processes.
The timing of Nike’s new allegation is suspicious. Nike alleged that they had counterfeit shoes months before they filed their initial complaint, but only added these claims after their lawsuit against StockX’s Vault NFT failed to gain traction or to win over public sentiment. Like Nike’s initial claims, Nike’s new allegations lack any merit.
StockX looks forward to defending its reputation and to understanding why Nike, which once sought to collaborate in combating counterfeits, now seeks to anticompetitively undermine StockX’s business model for making the secondary market safer and more efficient for consumers.”
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