YSL 廠牌多人遭逮捕,Young Thug、Gunna 等人面臨重大刑責

根據《The Atlanta Journal-Constitution》報導,近日饒舌歌手 Young Thug 在亞特蘭大因兩項罪名被捕,其領銜廠牌 YSL(Young Stoner Life)旗下約 28 名成員,現正面臨多達 56 項指控。
兩項罪名包括「犯罪組織條例 RICO」(Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations)和非法幫派行動,同為廠牌領頭者的 Gunna 也因首項罪名被起訴。據資料內容,Young Thug 的名字在 2015 年時被用來租用一輛涉及槍殺案的租賃車,當時這場犯罪行動導致一位名為 Donovan Thomas 的男性死亡,同時警方也相信 YSL 一名成員 Christian Eppinger 獲得 Young Thug 的同意,進而對饒舌歌手 YFN Lucci 開槍,今年 2 月身處監獄的 Lucci 又遭到獄友刺傷,因此警方認定此事件與 Young Thug 脫不了關係。
值得留意的是,一個多月前 Young Thug 其中一名 Baby-Mama 才在亞特蘭大的保齡球場遭殺害,隨後也有人因該事遭到逮補,警方認為此事也跟幫派行動息息相關。據悉,Young Thug 將於 5 月 10 日首次出庭,其律師和法律團隊也回復新聞,表示將盡全力證明清白,讀者們敬請留意後續消息。
BREAKING: Rappers @youngthug ,@1GunnaGunna among 28 defendants charged in 56 count indictment in Fulton County. My colleague @MarkWinneWSB & I have exclusive details. @wsbtv
— Michael Seiden (@SeidenWSBTV) May 10, 2022
The indictment includes charges of conspiring to violate the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, murder, armed robbery , participation in criminal street gang activity. @wsbtv @MarkWinneWSB
— Michael Seiden (@SeidenWSBTV) May 10, 2022
According to 56 count indictment, @youngthug is facing charges of participation in street gang activity and conspiring to violate the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act; @1GunnaGunna is facing one count of conspiring to violate (RICO).
— Michael Seiden (@SeidenWSBTV) May 10, 2022
“YSL is a criminal street gang that started in late 2012 in the Cleveland Avenue area of ATL. YSL claims affiliation with the national Bloods gang.”— Michael Seiden (@SeidenWSBTV) May 10, 2022
Prosecutors allege that two associates of YSL, CHRISTIAN EPPINGER and ANTONIO SUMLIN, worked to get permission of @youngthug to make a 2nd attempt to murder @YFNLUCCI while he’s jailed in Fulton County. @wsbtv @MarkWinneWSB
— Michael Seiden (@SeidenWSBTV) May 10, 2022
accused of appearing in a video released on social media titled “Fox 5,” wearing a “YSL” pendant and a “Slatt” pendant, with lyrics stating “We got ten-hundred round choppers.”@wsbtv— Michael Seiden (@SeidenWSBTV) May 10, 2022
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