Nike 指控 StockX 平台販售假鞋,StockX 發佈聲明回應

繼 NFT 侵權事件後,Nike 再度與知名球鞋轉售平台 StockX 宣戰,宣稱在去年 12 月至今年 1 月期間透過該平台購買到四雙假鞋,其中一款甚至為經典的 Air Jordan 1 High OG「Patent Bred」,消息一出即在網路上掀起討論浪潮。
根據公開的法庭文件,Nike 表示購入的四款球鞋均附有 StockX 經過鑑定的「Verified Authentic」吊牌和紙本收據,證明其為「100% 真貨」;此外,Air Jordan 1 High OG「Patent Bred」不僅為招牌鞋款,同時也是 StockX 推出的 NFT 項目中最暢銷的式樣,因此 Nike 更擔心 StockX 或將假鞋與未經授權的 NFT 作連結,吸引不知情的消費者購買。
今番 StockX 也在網站發佈聲明回應:「我們非常重視消費者權益,也投資數百萬美元以打擊全球市場正面臨的假品氾濫問題。」、「令人好奇的是,他們的團隊表達了對我們認證計畫的信心,甚至包括高層主管在內的數百名員工都在使用 StockX 買賣產品。」,強調 Nike 的控訴「毫無根據」,並認為其這次指控實則想為之前敗訴扳回一城,讀者們敬請留意後續發展。
“We take customer protection extremely seriously, and we’ve invested millions to fight the proliferation of counterfeit products that virtually every global marketplace faces today. Nike’s latest filing is not only baseless but also is curious given that their own brand protection team has communicated confidence in our authentication program, and that hundreds of Nike employees – including current senior executives – use StockX to buy and sell products. This latest tactic amounts to nothing more than a panicked and desperate attempt to resuscitate its losing legal case against our innovative Vault NFT program that revolutionizes the way that consumers can buy, store, and sell collectibles safely, efficiently, and sustainably. Nike’s challenge has no merit and clearly demonstrates their lack of understanding of the modern marketplace.”
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