New Balance 推出致敬英國 Flimby 工廠紀念短片與 991、1500 等別注鞋款
彰顯 Made in U.K. 對 New Balance 的獨特意義。

為了慶祝 New Balance 位於英國 Flimby 的工廠建廠 40 周年,品牌特地發佈一支紀念短片慶祝,當中除了紀錄該工廠員工和周邊小鎮 Maryport 的點點滴滴之外,也特別著重其製鞋工藝,並找來 Flimby 男聲合唱團獻聲背景配樂。
New Balance 旗下 Made in U.K. 部門資深產品經理 Dawn Brankley 特別在聲明中提到:「Initially starting production in a place called Lillyhall in 1982, production moved 7 miles up the road to a bespoke footwear manufacturing site in Flimby in 1991, where the shoes are proudly made to this day. Our rich back catalogue enables us to draw inspiration to create quality new shoes which are coveted world over. 40 years on we still have a great team of people that are proud to make our shoes and pride themselves on quality.」
伴隨此次 40 周年紀念,New Balance 也特別推出了 991、773、1500、670 與 920 等 5 款別注 Flimby Catalogue 鞋款,旨在向英製傳統致敬,此系列預計在本月正式登陸指定零售商上架,有興趣的讀者不妨多加留意。
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