自認何時成為 GOAT?LeBron James:「2016 年 1-3 逆轉勇士拿下 NBA 總冠軍」

NBA 2022 全明星賽於日前正式完美落幕,Team LeBron 憑藉著 Stephen Curry 全場破紀錄的 16 記三分球與 LeBron James 的後仰絕殺拿下比賽獲勝,而本屆適逢 NBA 75 週年大慶,因此邀請了聯盟評選的 75 大球星一同蒞臨現場觀賽與合影留下紀念,想當然 LeBron 亦是眾星中的佼佼者,ESPN 更是將其排名僅次於籃球之神 Michael Jordan。
LeBron James 在接受 Kenny Smith 訪問時談及了 2016 年時拿下的 NBA 總冠軍,前者表示騎士隊在當時成功克服與逆轉 1-3 的史詩級困境時,他自認為那時的自己足以配上「最偉大的籃球員」(GOAT,greatest of all time)這個稱號,像是可以 1 號位打到 5 號位,或是 1 號位守到 5 號位,可謂進入無人能敵的狀態,。
“That moment I was like I am the greatest basketball player people have ever seen in all the facets. Like I can play 1 to 5, I can guard 1 to 5, just literally like doing something that’s never been done in the history of the sport. Teams that go down 3-1 were like 0 for 32 in finals history. There was nobody ever coming out of there and nobody gave us a chance. I just felt like ain’t nobody better than me at this.”
LeBron James 生涯拿下 4 座總冠軍、4 座 MVP、4 座 FMVP與連續入選 18 次全明星賽先發球員,可為現役最具影響力與最偉大的籃球員,更是籃球史上最好的球員之一。
“At that moment I was like I’m the greatest basketball player people have ever seen. … Doing something that’s never been done in the history of the sport.” 🐐 @KingJames sits down with @TheJetonTNT to discuss what makes a GOAT pic.twitter.com/KcbU4HfPuU
— NBA on TNT (@NBAonTNT) February 21, 2022
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