Jerry Lorenzo 針對 adidas Basketball 2023 最新春夏系列發布相關聲明

該系列與 Fear of God 並無合作關,只是很像。

Fashion 時裝

2020 年,Jerry Lorenzo 與個人品牌 Fear of God 宣布從 Nike 轉投 adidas 陣營並達成長期合作關係,但在之後除了年初於 INNERSECT 發布的黃色連帽運動衫之後便再無任何新消息,而近日 Jerry Lorenzo 對於上週曝光的 adidas Basketball 2023 最新春夏系列發表官方聲明。

adidas Basketball 上週發表 2023 最新春夏系列大片「Remember the Why」,Fear of God 官方於 Instagram 對此發佈聲明,表示因為該系列因與 INNERSECT 產品相似,普遍讓外界認為與 Fear of God 有關,但事實上 Fear of God 並無投入該系列的設計過程,並補充說到雙方將著重在開發支線品牌「Fear of God Athletics」,預計在 2023 上半年帶來更多全新情報。

Jerry Lorenzo and Fear of God are not involved or connected to the adidas Basketball “Remember The Why” campaign and collection launching this holiday season. The partnership between adidas and Jerry Lorenzo has evolved over the past two years to a concentrated focus on the creation and development of Fear of God Athletics.

With the intent to maximize the opportunity with Fear of God Athletics, this unobstructed focal point, will provide Fear of God and adidas the necessary capacity to deliver against an uncompromised and unparalleled performance vision that is set to transcend both sport and fashion.

Both houses look forward to sharing more in the first half of 2023 and remain enthusiastic about the vision for our collective partnership.

雙方的合作關係於 2020 年正式敲定,並在這兩年間不斷研發創作,專心投入在 Fear of God Athletics 的完整發展性,有興趣的讀者們敬請留意未來追蹤報導。

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