「蝙蝠俠」傳奇配音員 Kevin Conroy 因癌症逝世享壽 66 歲

Kevin Conroy,DC 經典英雄角色「蝙蝠俠」的知名配音員,於上週因癌症逝世,享壽 66 歲。
Kevin Conroy 於 1992 – 1996 年加入《Batman:The Animated Series》動畫系列的配音製作,也曾為《Batman: Arkham》系列遊戲配音,爾後成為好幾代支持者們心中最佳的蝙蝠俠配音員;在近 60 部不同的作品中獻聲,並賦予這個角色無比的生命渲染力,大家可以在超過 100 小時的電視作品和數時個電子遊戲中聽到他的精彩獻聲。
「小丑」配音員 Mark Hamill 表示:「Kevin Conroy 是一位出色的演員,一直以來他都是大家心中最佳的蝙蝠俠,這個正確的決定得以幫助世界變得更加美好,他迷人的配音詮釋有助於我的演出,他是個很棒的合作夥伴,這是一種互補且充滿創意的體驗。沒有他我做不到這些,他永遠是我的蝙蝠俠。」
Warner Bros Discovery issued a press release on his passing pic.twitter.com/Jge00fZR3S
— Culture Crave 🍿 (@CultureCrave) November 11, 2022
Members of the Batman animated family are reporting that Kevin Conroy has passed away. We had the privilege of attending conventions alongside Kevin over the years and are heartbroken by this news. pic.twitter.com/rgjpB22LRb
— Peter Mayhew Foundation (@TheWookieeRoars) November 11, 2022
I don’t have the words. Not today. My heart is broken. There will never be another. He IS #Batman. #RIPLEGEND pic.twitter.com/hJcUVEVeWm
— tara strong (@tarastrong) November 11, 2022
In the documentary I Know That Voice, Kevin Conroy tells this unforgettable story about working at a food relief station in Manhattan in the days after 9/11. It’s one of my favorite stories he told about the power of his talents. Rest In Peace Mr. Conroy pic.twitter.com/CVb6vLQlEb
— Henry Gilbert (@hEnereyG) November 11, 2022
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