《駭客任務 The Matrix:Resurrections》導演 Lana Wachowski 透露為何「重返母體」
揭露為何會讓 Neo 與 Trinity 復活回歸。

過去已報導過《The Matrix:Resurrections》(駭客任務:復活/黑客帝國:矩陣重啟/22世紀殺人網絡 復活次元)的預告與解析,今番則是分享導演 Lana Wachowski 透露為何事隔多年再次推出《The Matrix》全新作品,也就是「重返母體」。
本次單獨回歸的 Lana Wachowski 在《The Matrix:Resurrections》中選擇讓 Neo 與 Trinity 回歸且重聚,雖然預告中兩人疑似皆失去記憶,但兩人的復活安排肯定別有用心。Lana Wachowski 表示雖然過去 Warner Bros. 經常向她們邀請拍攝續集的計畫,不過當時皆以無興趣作拒絕。但在之後 Lana Wachowski 因為父母與摯友的過世使她大受打擊,當下的她無法處理這些從沒經歷過的悲傷情緒,明知道他們即將要離你而去,但仍然招架不住,那段時間真的十分艱難,並導致 Lana 經常胡思亂想。就在一個晚上, Lana 睡不著且一直哭泣,而在那個當下,《The Matrix:Resurrections》的故事就此誕生。
「我沒有了爸媽,但我還擁有 Neo 與 Trinity,他們兩位可以說是我生命中最重要的兩名角色,讓兩人再次復活回歸對我來說達到安撫的效果,且手法就是如此簡單:『好吧,他們兩個死了。好吧,他們兩個復活了。這感覺不是很棒嗎?』我想這就是藝術與故事的功用性,它能使我們感到欣慰。」
雖然 Lana Wachowski 的回歸讓死忠粉絲感到相當興奮,但 Lilly Wachowski 在聽完故事分享之後仍然覺得了無新意,因此決定不會加入本片的拍攝計畫。
“My dad died, then this friend died, then my mom died. I didn’t really know how to process that kind of grief. I hadn’t experienced it that closely … You know their lives are going to end and yet it was still really hard. My brain has always reached into my imagination and one night, I was crying and I couldn’t sleep, and my brain exploded this whole story. And I couldn’t have my mom and dad, yet suddenly I had Neo and Trinity, arguably the two most important characters in my life. It was immediately comforting to have these two characters alive again, and it’s super simple. You can look at it and say: ‘ok, these two people die and ok, bring these two people back to life and oh, doesn’t that feel good.’ Yeah, it did! It’s simple, and this is what art does and that’s what stories do, they comfort us.”
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