關於 Lil Nas X 與 Tony Hawk 引發瘋傳迷因「Nah He Tweakin」

Lil Nas X 與滑板傳奇 Tony Hawk 之間的紛爭引發了奇怪的迷因,此後在 Instagram 大量瘋傳。爭議源自本週推出的 Tony Hawk 與 Liquid Death 合作滑板,該滑板加入了 Tony Hawk 本人的血液進行上色,目前該限量滑板已售罄。
Lil Nas X 於週三在 Twitter 上評論了他之前發佈的 Nike Air Max 97「Satan Shoes」與 Tony Hawk 這最新發佈滑板之間帶有人類血液的相似之處,當時那雙有爭議的鞋子引發了保守一派的強烈反對,甚至導致 Nike 與 Lil Nas X 之間的訴訟。
now that tony hawk has released skateboards with his blood painted on them, and there was no public outrage, are y’all ready to admit y’all were never actually upset over the blood in the shoes? and maybe u were mad for some other reason?
— MONTERO 🦋 (@LilNasX) August 25, 2021
隨後 Lil Nas X 在 RapTV Instagram 相關新聞帖文底下留下了他對滑板的看法,「你們都喜歡它?!」RapTV 在帖文問道。
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「nah he tweakin」(不,他在做蠢事)Lil Nas X 在評論中回應,隨後引發了散佈在 Instagram 各處的迷因,到目前為此該則原始評論已獲得近 150,000 個讚,並導致許多人在各種 Instagram 熱門帖文留下那句「nah he tweakin」,尤其在 Tony Hawk 帖文底下。
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Tony Hawk 與 Lil Nas X 目前都沒對這迷因的擴散做出直接回應,但不久前 Instagram 官方也認可了這迷因的存在。
Yeah we tweakin, but only a little bit. We’re aware that some people are having issues loading their comments (we’re fixing that) and that some are seeing a bunch of comments saying “nah he tweakin” (what is that?). More soon! pic.twitter.com/eek6t2qE40
— Instagram Comms (@InstagramComms) August 26, 2021
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