疑似觸發健康安全協議?NBA 官方宣布 LeBron James 無需停賽
Charles Barkley:「聯盟哪敢不讓 LeBron James 出賽。」

據 ESPN 記者 Dave McMenamin 報導指出湖人球星 LeBron James 日前出席酒類品牌公開活動,遭質疑是否觸發健康安全協議,而 NBA 聯盟明文標示只要有球員違反此規定,都必須面臨 10-14 天的禁賽。不過另一 ESPN 知名記者 Adrian Wojnarowski 後來更新消息指出,LeBron James 不會遭到禁賽,面對太陽的首輪賽事依舊可以出賽。
據了解,本次案例並沒有達到病毒傳播的標準,該活動是於戶外進行,而 LeBron James 並未停留太久,因此 LeBron James 因此無需被施以禁賽判罰,不過聯盟也將會與湖人球團進行追蹤調查。此裁決一出,得知此事的 Charles Barkley 也笑著回應此事:「聯盟不可能讓 LeBron James 在季後賽遭到禁賽,假如是無名小卒,那結果就會不一樣。」
If it was a nobody, they would put him in health and safety protocols. Ain’t no f—— way LeBron James is going to be sit out because of health and safety protocols,” Barkley stated. “When I read that, I just started laughing. LeBron James is playing Sunday. Guaranteed.
LeBron James won’t be suspended for protocols violation, sources tell ESPN. Nature of event didn’t rise to a threat level of virus spread, as described in @McTen‘s story below. Suns-Lakers Game 1 on Sunday. https://t.co/nEAcnBsbvv
— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) May 22, 2021
“Ain’t no f***ing way LeBron James is going to be sit out because of health and safety protocols.”
Charles Barkley weighs in on the NBA and LeBron as only he can 🗣
Story, ICYMI ➡️ https://t.co/oV0JHNbfQB pic.twitter.com/pll38v6CnU
— Yahoo Sports (@YahooSports) May 22, 2021
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