Radiohead 即將於 Youtube 釋出 2008 年度倫敦現場表演畫面
睽違 9 個月後的更新。
傳奇樂團 Radiohead 去年決定在疫情階段於 YouTube 上釋出多場現場表演,透過線上串流方式聚集各位歌迷,搭乘時光機穿梭各個時期的 Radiohead,從中感知其樂團的成長與變化。
如今,Radiohead 官方上回更新影片已是九個月之前,Radiohead 官方 Twitter 分享團員 Colin Greenwood 最新貼文指出將在 4 月 10 日凌晨 3 點釋出 2008 年度位於倫敦 93 Feet East 的現場表演畫面,並同步於線上發售 stanleydonwood 所設計的 T-Shirt,所得將會全部捐贈給幕後工作人員,點此即可購買。
We rummaged in the Radiohead Public Library and found a few more concerts from a life we all yearn to return to. Thanks to science and the vaccines, we are a step closer to that. We begin with London’s @93FeetEast from 2008. Fridays @ 8pm UK/12pm PT/3pm ET
— Colin Greenwood (@colingreenwood) April 6, 2021
To recognise the hard work of crew everywhere who make live shows happen, we have re-made some @stanleydonwood designed crew T-shirts, proceeds of which will go to various crew support charities – buy here:
— Radiohead (@radiohead) April 6, 2021
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