NBA 籃網隊球星 LaMarcus Aldridge 因「心律不整」突襲宣佈退休

本季甫加入布魯克林籃網隊(Brooklyn Nets)的 NBA 球星 LaMarcus Aldridge 今日突襲宣佈退休,聲明稿中表示他於上一場比賽遭遇了心律不整的狀況,爾後問題日益嚴重,使得他必須正視這項問題,而之後與球隊告知後進行更進一步的檢查,雖然目前狀況好多了,但他仍然選擇健康與家人作為第一優先,於今日起從 NBA 正式退役。
聲明稿中,LaMarcus Aldridge 也感謝了波特蘭拓荒者(Portland Trail Blazers)、聖安東尼奧馬刺(San Antonio Spurs)與籃網隊,感言中透露了他與球團間的真摯友情,隨著歲月的成長,感觸更加深厚,而最後一段說道:「You never know when something will come to an end, so make sure you enjoy it every day. I can truly say I did just that.」希望大家能知道時間的無償性,並確保把握與享受當下。
— LaMarcus Aldridge (@aldridge_12) April 15, 2021
LaMarcus Aldridge announces his retirement after playing with an irregular heartbeat last week.
“You never know when something will come to an end, so make sure you enjoy it every day. I can truly say I did just that.”
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) April 15, 2021
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