Maserati 正式宣佈 David Beckham 成為全球品牌大使
一位成功且形象良好的代言人對於一間企業的影響力毋庸置疑,而今回 Maserati 便正式宣佈,知名退役球星兼企業家 David Beckham 成為最新全球品牌大使。雙方透過一支近一分鐘的短片來公開此消息,影片中 David Beckham 一邊聆聽著當日行程安排,一邊駕駛著頂級 Trofeo 車系的 SUV 車款 Levante 盡情飄移,似乎敘述著逃離繁重工作後盡情享受其座駕的暢快感受。而對於成為品牌大使,David Beckham 也提到:
It is the start of a new chapter at Maserati and an exciting time for me to come on board and begin this partnership.It is an iconic global brand which shares my appreciation for excellence and commitment to pursuing the very best innovation and design.Passion and dedication runs through everything I do and Maserati shares this determination.
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