Alexander Wang 再次回應性騷擾事件
Alexander Wang:「我很後悔造成傷害。」

關於 Alexander Wang 的性騷擾事件,在一月時該設計師發佈聲明指稱所有指控皆是毫無根據之後,稍早在其個人 Instagram 上又再次發佈了一條新聲明,內容揭示了他與部分原告的會面。
Alexander Wang 在與這些原告見面之後,他表示遺憾,並了解他們提出這些控訴有多艱難。「現在我懂解的更深入了,我會試著做得更好。」Alexander Wang 如此說道。全文如下:
「最近有許多人出面談及我過往的行為,我在此認同他們為自己挺身而出的權利,我也已經認真聽取了他們所想表達的一切。他們能夠出來訴說這些故事十分不容易,我後悔我的個人行為使他們感到痛苦,儘管我不完全認可他們所說的部分細節,但從今以後,我會樹立一個更好的榜樣,並利用自己的能見度和影響力來鼓勵他人認知什麼是不良行為。生活就是學習和成長,現在我知道得更多,我會做得更好。(A number of individuals have come forward recently to raise claims against me regarding my past personal behavior. I support their right to come forward, and I’ve listened carefully to what they had to say. It was not easy for them to share their stories, and I regret acting in a way that caused them pain. While we disagree on some of the details of these personal interactions, I will set a better example and use my visibility and influencer to encourage others to recognize harmful behaviors. Life is about learning and growth, and now that I know better, I will do better.)」
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