年度科幻大片《沙丘 DUNE》導演 Denis Villeneuve 透露或將會有三部曲


Entertainment 娛樂

票房突破新高的科幻電影《沙丘 DUNE》,才剛於近日確定續集《DUNE:PART 2》將於明年推出,導演 Denis Villeneuve 接著於採訪中表示希望能夠將這部科幻史詩大片以三部曲呈現。

“It’s not that I want to do a franchise, but this is ‘Dune,’ and ‘Dune’ is a huge story. In order to honor it, I think you would need at least three movies. That would be the dream. To follow Paul Atreides and his full arc would be nice.”

Denis Villeneuve 在接受 Entertainment Weekly 的訪談時透露其一直都計畫以三部電影講述沙丘的故事,他認為以沙丘如此規模的世界觀至少須用三集電影才能完整敘述主角 Paul Atreides 的劇情軸。

“Frank Herbert wrote six books, and the more he was writing, the more it was getting psychedelic, so I don’t know how some of them could be adapted. One thing at a time. If I ever have the chance to do ‘Dune: Part Two’ and ‘Dune Messiah,’ I’m blessed.”

同時也向《沙丘 DUNE》的原創者 Frank Herbert 致意,並表示若能夠製作《DUNE:PART 2》和《Dune Messiah》將非常榮幸。

“I just received news from Legendary that we are officially moving forward with ‘Dune: Part Two,It was a dream of mine to adapt Frank Herbert’s ‘Dune’ and I have the fans, the cast, and crew, Legendary and Warner Bros. to thank for supporting this dream. This is only the beginning.”

Denis Villeneuve 再說道:「改編這個系列一直都是我夢想,感謝所有的工作人員、Legendary Entertainment 和 Warner Bros. 公司以及粉絲的支持,現在還只是開始而已。」

《DUNE:PART 2》預計將於 2023 年 10 月上映,有興趣的讀者務必留意後續消息。

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