Conor Mcgregor 透露將與菲律賓拳王 Manny Pacquiao 展開復出戰

儘管 Conor McGregor 在 6 月初二次宣佈退休,但其實大家都知道復出與否無非是價碼高低問題而已,而今回 Mcgregor 似乎便選好了最新的對戰人選,據其本人在 Twitter 發佈的貼文來看,他似乎打算再次捨棄八角籠改戰拳擊場,與現任 WBA 中量級冠軍菲律賓拳王 Manny Pacquiao 展開另一場「世紀之戰」,地點則選定於中東,同時此消息也經過 Mcgregor 的經理人 Audie Attar 證實,雙方目前正專注於各層面的協商談判,可能在今年 12 月下旬或明年 1 月初達成協議。各位對於 Mcgregor 和 Pacquiao 以拳擊規則對戰的結果又有何看法?不妨在留言處與我們分享。
It will be a true honour to have faced two of the greatest boxers of the modern era, afraid of a fight.
— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) September 25, 2020
Anyway all water under the bridge who gives a fook.
I’m boxing Manny Pacquiao next in the Middle East.— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) September 25, 2020
I was pushing hard for the season.
Multiple opponents, multiple dates offered throughout. All to take place back to back.
Then when covid hit and the talk was that I would have to wait for crowds again, I walked away from the situation. I was waiting long enough at that stage.— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) September 25, 2020
I was pushing hard for the season.
Multiple opponents, multiple dates offered throughout. All to take place back to back.
Then when covid hit and the talk was that I would have to wait for crowds again, I walked away from the situation. I was waiting long enough at that stage.— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) September 25, 2020