Banksy 釋出最新 #BlackLivesMatter 主題創作為黑人族群發聲

不久前曾報導因 George Floyd 之死美國正發起了 #Blacklivesmatter 抗議活動,為長久以來的種族歧視、黑人平權等議題發聲,不少意見領袖紛紛走上街頭,與人民站上同一陣線,包括 Kanye West、J.Cole、John Boyega 與 LeBron James 等人。
近日,神秘塗鴉藝術家 Banksy 亦針對此事釋出了全新創作,作為本次黑人社會運動的支持與表彰,透過悼念場景沈重地敘述黑人長期所受到的壓迫,相框中的人就以黑色輪廓為形象,從旁放著鮮花與蠟燭,而蠟燭所燒的即是象徵勇氣、真理與自由三大精神的美國國旗,而黑牆背景亦有著白色油漆的斑駁痕跡,黑與白兩色在此幅畫佔有極大的運用比例,其蘊藏意義相信無需多言,以下則是 Banksy 的個人發文內容:
“At first I thought I should just shut up and listen to black people about this issue. But why would I do that? It’s not their problem, it’s mine.
“People of colour are being failed by the system. The white system. Like a broken pipe flooding the apartment of the people living downstairs. The faulty system is making their life a misery, but it’s not their job to fix it. They can’t, no one will let them in the apartment upstairs.
“This is a white problem. And if white people don’t fix it, someone will have to come upstairs and kick the door in.”
Banksy 先是說道他初始認為必須先聆聽黑人族群如何發聲,但他認為作為白人的他也應當出來支持本次運動,並以樓上住戶漏水,樓下住戶遭殃的故事作為比喻,暗喻著白人所建造的制度崩壞,就應由白人解決,如始終置之不理,那總有一天會有人踹開門來解決此事,因此才會造成現在黑人主導的社會運動爆發。