Hyundai 重塑廠徽宣傳衛生訊息

緊接著 Mercedes-Benz、Audi 及 Volkswagen 等品牌之後,此番來自韓國的車廠 Hyundai 就發佈了重塑的 Logo 去宣傳保持社交距離的訊息。根據資料所指,Hyundai 的廠徽除了是「H」演化出來之外,更是代表了兩個人在握手,然而在近期的疫情底下,Hyundai 就決定把廠徽重新設計成「社交距離」的形象,由握手改為兩隻彎曲的手臂,不作接觸,甚至另一個是正在洗手。有興趣的朋友可以留意官方的社交平台。
We wish everyone #safety and #health, and a reminder that washing your hands with soap and water is the most simple protection for all of us.
#weareinthistogether #strongertogether #hyundai #progressforhumanity— Hyundai Worldwide (@Hyundai_Global) March 30, 2020
Did you know that our logo represents two people shaking hands? We reimagined it since #socialdistancing is important for all of our safety.
#strongertogether #hyundai #progressforhumanity— Hyundai Worldwide (@Hyundai_Global) March 30, 2020