LeBron James 動人致詞!觀看 Lakers 湖人球團為 Kobe Bryant 打造其致敬影片

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Sports 體育

回首昨日,那是 Los Angels Lakers 在傳奇球星 Kobe Bryant 離世後的首場主場比賽,過去幾日洛城球迷紛紛集聚 Staples Center 悼念 Kobe 與其女兒 Gigi。

Lakers 球團官方除了為球迷們準備免費 Kobe Bryant T-Shirt 之外,Lakers 球員們在出場時皆紛紛穿上「8」與「24」的紫金球衣,更在球衣與球場地板上注入「KB」字樣,不過最賺人熱淚的絕對是球團為 Kobe 準備長達 10 分鐘的致敬橋段,影片中 Kobe 講述他的籃球的熱愛與執著,20 年一路走來的心境轉折,球場外還有老婆 Vanessa 與四個女兒,作為人父又該如何傳承精神給予女兒們⋯⋯。

爾後,換摯友 LeBron James 站上球場作致詞,LeBron 表示 Kobe 對他猶如一位兄長,痛心疾首絕對是必然的,小時候的他也是看著 Kobe 打球長大,對他的球員生涯可謂深遠,如今他會與隊友們一同繼承 Mamba Mentality,以下是完整講稿:

The first thing that comes to mind is all about family. As I look all around this arena, we’re all grieving, we’re all hurting, we’re all heartbroken. But when we’re going through things like this, the best thing you can do is lean on the shoulders of your family and from Sunday morning all the way until the point – I had heard about Laker Nation before I got here last year about how much of a family it is – and that is absolutely what I’ve seen this whole week.

Not only from the players, not only from the coaching staff, not only from the organization but from everybody. Everybody that’s here is, this really, truly, truly a family, and I know Kobe and Gianna and Vanessa and everybody thank you guys from the bottom of their hearts as Kobe said.

Now, I know at some point we will have a memorial for Kobe. I look at this as a celebration tonight.

This is a celebration of the 20 years of the blood, the sweat, the tears, the broken-down body, the getting up, the sitting down, the everything, the countless hours, the determination to be as great as he could be. Tonight we celebrate the kid who came here at 18 years of age, retired at 38 and became probably the best dad we’ve seen over the last three years.

Tonight is a celebration. Before we get to play – love you all man – Kobe’s a brother to me. From the time I was in high school and watching him from afar to getting in this league at 18 watching him up close, all the battles we had throughout my career, the one thing that we always shared is that determination to just want to win and just want to be great, and the fact that I’m here now means so much to me.

I want to continue along with my teammates to continue his legacy not only for this year but for as long as we can play the game of basketball that we love because that’s what Kobe Bryant would want. So in the words of Kobe Bryant, Mamba out. But in the words of us, not forgotten. Live on brother.



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