Riot Games 宣佈《League of Legend》全新 MMORPG 線上遊戲正在開發中
如同 Blizzard《World of Warcraft》的龐大世界。

旗下以《League of Legend 英雄聯盟》最為知名,遊戲公司 Riot Games 早先正式宣佈將推出一款以《League of Legend》為主題的全新 MMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, 大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲)線上遊戲。此消息是從 Riot Games 的 IP 與娛樂副總裁 Greg Street 透過個人 Twitter 帳戶所發佈,該則貼文雖然明確的指出了 Riot Games 的這項全新計畫,不過並未透露任何遊戲內容,只在最後提及公司正在招募人才,歡迎有興趣的各位投遞履歷。
Riot Games 早先就以《League of Legend》中的角色帶來了戰棋遊戲《Teamfight Tactics》,近期也推出了手機遊戲《League of Legends: Wild Rift》,先前更傳出將在家用主機平台上推出外傳遊戲《League of Legends: Ruined King》,由此可見《League of Legend》的宇宙正不斷擴大,對粉絲們來說無疑是一大福音,有興趣的各位不妨持續留意 HYPEBEAST 的追蹤報導。
I have news!
My recent job at Riot has been to help develop the League universe, which we’re going to need!
Because it is time. My new job is to kick off a big (some might say massive) game that many of you, and many Rioters, have been asking us to create.
PS We’re hiring
— Greg Street (@Ghostcrawler) December 18, 2020