Mariah Carey 聖誕節名曲《All I Want for Christmas Is You》創下 Spotify 單日播放次數紀錄

於 1994 年發行,至今已經過了 26 個年頭,每到聖誕節期間由 Mariah Carey 所演唱的《All I Want for Christmas Is You》仍舊是最熱門的單曲之一,這又在音樂串流平台發達的狀態下容易體現。早在本月初,《All I Want for Christmas Is You》就已經佔據了 12 月份 Billboard 播放次數排行榜的冠軍地位。而僅在 12 月 24 日,單日這首歌就在 Spotify 獲得了 1,723 萬次播放,這首歌總是在聖誕節期間飆升,並且已經成為了 Spotify 單日播放次數紀錄保持者。各位今年是否也有播放這首單曲呢?又或是有什麼聖誕佳節的私房推薦曲目,不妨在留言處與我們分享。
WOW 🤯🥳😭 I know people think I’m making “coin” (lil’ secret: artists make very little from streams) but the real reason I’m sitting here in astonishment & gratitude is seeing the joy this little song I wrote brings to people. THANK YOU & MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! ❤️🎄❤️🎄❤️‼️❄️❄️❄️‼️
— Mariah Carey (@MariahCarey) December 25, 2020