好評爆棚!DC 女英雄電影《猛禽小隊:小丑女大解放 Birds of Prey》首波影評出爐
小丑女回歸!影評直呼大勝《Suicide Squad》!

Warner Bros. Pictures 最新 DC 女英雄電影《Birds of Prey》(猛禽小隊:小丑女大解放)於月初釋出最新預告,能看出由華裔女導演 Cathy Yan(閻羽茜)個人執導的風格擁有大量的鮮豔色彩,十分符合劇中女主角「小丑女」Harley Quinn(Margot Robbie 的特色!
DC 去年在經歷了《Joker》的巨大成功後,自然會對《Birds of Prey》抱以相當大的期待,但亦有人會擔心它會如《Suicide Squad》般的平庸。值得慶幸的是《Birds of Prey》首波影評表現地相當優異,不少人稱讚該片是多麼的優秀,擁有大量的暴力、血腥與邪惡的元素在這部動作片中竄動,猶如一場鮮豔、混亂的狂歡派對,絕對能讓觀眾為之著迷。
甚至有影評認為《Birds of Prey》讓人聯想到知名暴力美學導演 Quentin Tarantino,而非一部漫畫改編電影;不少人表示 Margot Robbie 飾演的 Harley Quinn 再次繳出亮眼表現,未來勢必將在掀起新一波的「小丑女」熱潮,而其他女性演員的表現也備受讚譽,鮮明且令人眼睛為之一亮;也有影評人將其與《Suicide Squad》比較,簡單來說就是前者大勝,
Birds of Prey is a solid breakup movie with a soundtrack that slaps💖
Leagues better than Suicide Squad — in large part because we get a rare glimpse into the rich inner life of a female supervillain (and it actually delivers on what was promised in the trailer.) #BirdsofPrey pic.twitter.com/ibaaHvG6i9
— Alison Foreman (@alfaforeman) January 29, 2020
#BirdsOfPrey isn’t a Birds of Prey movie so much as it’s a Harley Quinn movie feat. BOP – and that creates issues story-wise & in fleshing out characters – but it’s a hell of a lot of fun. It’s at its best when going full Harley-vision, & Margot Robbie is clearly having a blast. pic.twitter.com/hyF7CpFCmk
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) January 29, 2020
#BirdsOfPrey is a violent, seedy slow-burn leading to a flock-up that’s truly something special to witness pic.twitter.com/QGO8nQvwIv
— Chris Sylvia (@sylvioso) January 29, 2020
The stunts on @birdsofpreywb were INSANE! I’m still in shock after just having seen it and can’t wait to watch it again. It’s quirky, action-packed, AND SO FUN!!! GET YOUR TICKETS ASAP! In theaters Feb. 7 #BirdsofPrey #wbpartner https://t.co/yiT50BvRRj pic.twitter.com/nuW8S5iZzN
— Meghan Camarena (@Strawburry17) January 29, 2020
At times the style can be a bit too abrasive, pacing a bit jolty, and it does feel like it’s balancing two movies (HQ & BoP), but as opposed to Suicide Squad, the story, characters and themes are confidently carried through by Cathy Yan’s terrific direction. #BirdsofPrey pic.twitter.com/ppbekIdtMq
— Griffin Schiller (@griffschiller) January 29, 2020
Saw #BirdsofPrey this morning! I liked it a lot. The stuff I loved: the action, the tone and just how creative the direction is. Margot Robbie completely sells the incredibly choreographed fight sequences and their gleeful brutality, this whole scene in particular ⬇️⬇️ pic.twitter.com/UBb0FPAa14
— Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) January 29, 2020
If you like your violence often and a lot of dirty language you’re gonna love #BirdsofPrey
It feels very DEADPOOLish in that way, but then add Chris Messina chewing every piece of scenery in sight!! pic.twitter.com/h1pR1jseMa
— Jason Guerrasio (@JasonGuerrasio) January 29, 2020
Two things I get just got told about Birds of Prey from someone who’s seen it.
“It’s more Quentin Tarantino and less Comic Book Film.”
“It’s a non-stop mix between comedy, action and gore.”
Sign me the F up!!#birdsofprey pic.twitter.com/rG2jUk3J2p
— The Moonlight Warrior 🌙 (@BlackMajikMan90) January 26, 2020
Saw #BirdsofPrey this morning! I liked it a lot. The stuff I loved: the action, the tone and just how creative the direction is. Margot Robbie completely sells the incredibly choreographed fight sequences and their gleeful brutality, this whole scene in particular ⬇️⬇️ pic.twitter.com/UBb0FPAa14
— Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) January 29, 2020
#BirdsOfPrey has terrific action, humor & some of the more memorable characters we’ve seen in a DC movie, but the biggest highlight is Margot Robbie. She is fantabulous as Harley, while also proving that sometimes our most valued relationships are the ones we have w/ good food pic.twitter.com/EDQ3sr5JtL
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) January 29, 2020
《Birds of Prey》將於 2 月 6 日正式登陸台灣,有興趣的讀者亦可關注以下相關情報: