Brad Pitt 回憶分享 David Fincher 經典電影《Fight Club》之首映趣事

知名影星 Brad Pitt 靠著《Once Upon a Time in Hollywood》奪下 2020 金球獎最佳男配角,並在本週入圍了2020 奧斯卡金像獎,是繼 2011 年的《Moneyball》後的再次入圍,並有機會奪下個人首座小金人。
近期 Brad Pitt 於 Marc Maron’s WTF Podcast 談到了過往出演的 David Fincher 經典電影《Fight Club》的趣事,他表示該片安排在威尼斯影展的午夜時段,當電影第一個笑話來時,現場卻是一片死寂,第二個笑話來時又是安靜無聲,現場沒有翻譯,應該有字幕的地方也沒有翻譯,這點讓我跟 Edward Norton 感到有趣,爾後我們開始大笑,而我們就成了現場唯一因為自己的笑話而笑的人。影展的人甚至在 Helena Bonham Carter 講出「I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school.」該句台詞後,終於忍不住站起身來便離開現場,這也讓我們笑得更加大聲。
First joke comes up and it’s just crickets. It’s dead silence. And another joke and it’s just dead silence. This thing is not translating. Subtitles, it is NOT translating at all. The more that happened, the funnier it got to Edward [Norton] and I and we just start laughing. So, we’re the assholes in the back laughing at our own jokes. The only ones.
And then at some point it gets to the Helena Bonham Carter’s line where she says, ‘I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school.’ And I watched the festival guy who had been squirming the whole 30 minutes just get up and he leaves! He doesn’t say a word. He just gets up and leaves, which makes us laugh even more.
不過隨著時間的歷練,證明了《Fight Club》的經典與影響力,該片是不少現代年輕人必看經典電影之一,雖然當時票房不盡理想,但整體電影風格強烈且注入了許多哲學的探討,諷刺資本主義,成功帶給後世許多人生上的思考影響。