各執一詞?!A$AP Rocky 於瑞典法庭的盤問內容遭到公開
A$AP Rocky 可能還要再被拘留好一陣子。
早先因為在瑞典斯德哥爾摩因涉入衝突事件而被逮捕的 A$AP Rocky,早先出庭並接受法官盤問。
拘留將近一個月,美國總統 Donald Trump 甚至出面干涉,今番隨著辯護律師出席的 A$AP Rocky 被法官詢問有關於衝突事件的相關過程。
開庭內容透過 BBC News 的 Larissa Kennelly 和 Maddy Savage 公開,告訴人 Mustafa Jafari 表示當時他是因為正在找尋他的朋友才接近 Rocky 一行人,他並沒有注意到 Rocky 的名人身份。Rocky 和他的保鑣解釋,當時 Rocky 正想要租用電動自行車來環繞斯德哥爾摩,然而 Mustafa Jafari 等人卻不斷逼近,在 Rocky 的保鑣叫他退後之時,他便拿起耳機向保鏢們砸去,「情況變得有點可怕。」A$AP Rocky 這樣說道。
上週,斯德哥爾摩檢方表示 Rocky 一行人使用了破玻璃瓶等尖銳物攻擊 Mustafa Jafari 等人,但週四流出的影片可以明確指出 Rocky 和他的保鑣並沒有使用相關物品。A$AP Rocky 本人則表示他確實一度撿起了地上的玻璃瓶為了嚇阻 Mustafa Jafari,但他也瞬間覺得那是不好的方式所以也就放下了。
更多內容可以閱讀下面的貼文。亦可留意 Rich Brian 為新專輯推出全新微電影《Rich Brian Is The Sailor》。
AUDIO AND SKETCHES: #ASAPRocky testified at his assault trial in Sweden that he did everything possible to avoid conflict with two men he said persistently followed his entourage in Stockholm, saying that one of the men picked a fight with one of his bodyguards. pic.twitter.com/8a2gPqNjOS
— AP Entertainment (@APEntertainment) 2019年8月1日
#ASAPRocky says he saw alleged victim hit the security guard with his headphones. “At this point everything seemed strange….it got a little scary for us”
— Maddy Savage (@maddysavage) 2019年8月1日
“He was fearless, his eyes were all weird, he came up to a big bodyguard and asked us questions he knew we couldn’t answer. He looked like he was on drugs,” #ASAPRocky says of Mustafa Jafari’s behaviour on night of brawl in Stockholm that led to his assault charge
— Kim Hjelmgaard (@khjelmgaard) 2019年8月1日
#ASAPRocky says his bodyguard knows he has to protect him at all costs but that he is not a naturally violent person
— Kim Hjelmgaard (@khjelmgaard) 2019年8月1日
We’re back from a break and a lawyer for David Rispers, Jr., one of the accused in this assault case, is asking the plaintiff if he drank alcohol/took drugs around the time of the alleged #ASAPRocky incident. Mustafa Jafari, who is from Afghanistan, has a prior drugs conviction
— Kim Hjelmgaard (@khjelmgaard) 2019年8月1日
#ASAPRocky says he held a bottle “momentarily” and then put it down after he realised it was “stupid” to have it in his hand. Says bodyguard asked girls to ring police because they didn’t have the number for police in Sweden. They tried to get an Uber but couldn’t
— Maddy Savage (@maddysavage) 2019年8月1日
ASAP Rocky questioned on what he did in the fight. Admits to punching arm of alleged victim. Court has now stopped for short break. #ASAPRocky
— Larissa Kennelly (@LarissaKennelly) 2019年8月1日
We’re seeing some potentially incriminating text messages now that prosecutors are implying were sent by #ASAPRocky’s assistant: “Harlem came out and smashed a bottle on a person.” The implication is that “Harlem” is #ASAPRocky. He’s from New York
— Kim Hjelmgaard (@khjelmgaard) 2019年8月1日
“I have spent a month in Sweden. This is my 5th or 6th time here. I have seen the most beautiful architecture. And the not so nice things … People have said I could be compensated … What I want is justice. I want my name to be cleared. Justice for all of us” #ASAPRocky
— Kim Hjelmgaard (@khjelmgaard) 2019年8月1日