喪屍大時代落幕!《The Walking Dead》漫畫版確定將於 193 期正式進入完結

長達 16 年的《The Walking Dead》漫畫版即將完結!

Entertainment 娛樂


由美國漫畫家 Robert Kirkman 於 2003 年推出的漫畫《The Walking Dead》,於去年迎接了風光的 15 週年大慶;原著改編之恐怖影集則於 2010 年正式播映,至今已堂堂邁入第九季,並於三月份播映結束,未來更會有第十季的到來。

不料,《The Walking Dead》原創 Robert Kirkman 卻突襲宣佈漫畫將於本週的 193 期正式完結,外界本以為劇情會因主角 Rick Grimes 在 192 期中的離世,漫畫預計在 200 期做個完美終結。而 Robert Kirkman 也針對這個突然的決定發佈聲明,並表示《The Walking Dead》一直都以驚喜為基礎,漫畫迷們不會知道翻頁時即將看到什麼,此特點也幫助漫畫順利走到現在,不過現在的感覺就是不大對了,似乎偏離了該系列的本質,因此毅然決然地終結這部長達 16 年的人氣漫畫。

“This is the end of The Walking Dead. That’s it… it’s over… we’re done. I’m sure you have a million questions… and I’m sure you feel as emotional about all this as we do… if not more so. I’m completely willing to bet some of you are angry over this. I get it… I do. I mean… WHY didn’t we announce this so that fans would have some time to prepare? Well… personally… I hate knowing what’s coming. As a fan, I hate it when I realize I’m in the third act of a movie and the story is winding down. I hate that I can count commercial breaks and know I’m nearing the end of a TV show. I hate that you can FEEL when you’re getting to the end of a book, or a graphic novel.

The Walking Dead has always been built on surprise. Not knowing what’s going to happen when you turn the page, who’s going to die, how they’re going to die… it’s been ESSENTIAL to the success of this series. It’s been the lifeblood that’s been keeping it going all these years, keeping people engaged. It just felt WRONG and against the very nature of this series not to make the actual end as surprising as all the big deaths… from Shane all the way to Rick.”

Details about this issue will more than likely start to leak today. If you’d prefer to not be spoiled, I would recommend being very careful online until the issue is released Wednesday. It’s a big issue in more ways than one. #understatementoftheyear pic.twitter.com/xSAr3EjR75

— Robert Kirkman (@RobertKirkman) 2019年7月1日

《The Walking Dead》漫畫版將於美國時間週三推出完結篇 193 期,有興趣的讀者請多加留意,亦可關注《進擊的巨人》動畫版宣佈「最終季」將於 2020 年正式播映情報



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