消息稱 Quentin Tarantino 近期與 Uma Thurman 討論推出《Kill Bill Vol. 3》的可能

知名大導 Quentin Tarantino 最新大片《Once Upon a Time in Hollywood》(從前,有個好萊塢)將於本週正式上映,由兩大巨星 Brad Pitt 與 Leonardo DiCaprio 搭配 Margot Robbie 一同出演,相信有不少影迷已提前買好票做準備。
近期,Quentin Tarantino 曾討論了正著手拍攝的新限制級版本《Star Trek》的相關內容,並表示會將其打造成太空版的《Pulp Fiction》;另外又在 Happy Sad Confused podcast 談到了《Kill Bill Vol. 3》,他坦白地表示:「其實我最近有與 Uma Thurman 討論這事,關於它我想了很多,我們大概在上週才在討論,如果說要在我的所有電影作品中抽出一部拍攝續集,肯定會是《Kill Bill Vol. 3》。」
“Me and Uma have talked about it recently, frankly, to tell you the truth. I have thought about it a little further. We were talking about it literally last week. If any of my movies were going to spring from my other movies, it would be a third Kill Bill.”
而過去 Quentin Tarantino 曾表示自己只會拍攝十部電影爾後即刻退休,但也親自承認其說法的漏洞,因此他會明確地說出最後一部作品為何,所有《Kill Bill Vol. 3》仍有推行可能。
有興趣的影迷們不妨留意 HYPEBEAST 的追蹤報導,亦可關注 Marvel Studios 最新英雄電影《The Eternals》釋出首張概念形象情報。