經理人表示 NBA 球星 Kevin Durant 百分之百尚未決定下賽季去向

究竟會不會與 Kyrie Irving 轉會至 New York Knicks 呢?

Sports 體育

在今年 NBA 賽季尋求三連霸業的 Golden State Warriors 前一天正如願地擊敗了 Portland Trail Blazers,連續第五年挺進總冠軍戰。而今番,便有關於陣中大將 Kevin Durant 的消息曝光。

雖然許多人都猜測 Kevin Durant 在今夏成為自由球員後,有很大機會將加入 New York Knicks 並招募 Kyrie Irving 一同重建大蘋果球隊,然而 Durant 的經理人 Rich Kleiman 於受訪時說出了 Durant 現在的狀況是百分之百不知道他的下一步會怎麼走,而 Kleiman 亦在等待他的答案。

“No, no, no. That is 100 percent undecided. I’m waiting on Kevin. That’s the truth. I think there’s a feeling that this thing is like war games and everybody is playing chess years out. But when somebody gets to the level of basketball that he’s at, you can’t juggle focus like that. There’s so many things he’s juggling too. He’s not scripting his future while he’s playing the way he plays and practicing the way he’s practicing.”

“I think it’s frustrating honestly, at times. But I get it, I do get it. Even as a kid, the soap opera of it all was just beginning, and I liked it. Now, in some ways it’s more soap opera at times than basketball. But he really doesn’t know, and I really don’t know.”

現正介於 Warriors 準備總冠軍賽期間,因此 Rich Kleiman 除了講到 Durant 尚未決定下一步外,並沒有透露更多消息,好讓球隊與 Durant 先避開媒體輿論,好好專心在比賽上。不過對於其他人來說,Kevin Durant 勢必要在總冠軍戰後,也就是近期,做出下一步的決定;相信接下來陸續會有更多重磅消息出現,今夏交易市場精彩度將會提升不少。感興趣的讀者亦可留意 SONY 新一代人氣遊戲機 PlayStation 5 更多細節曝光之消息。



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