Liam Neeson 為其種族歧視評論發表致歉聲明


Entertainment 娛樂

在 2 月初接受訪問時,Liam Neeson 曾透露自己在 40 多年前聽聞自己一名女性友人遭到黑人強暴後,便手持棍棒於市區閒晃希望遇到黑人「主動」找碴,讓其能夠發洩憤慨情緒。此言論也隨即在網上引起軒然大波,多數人指責其懷有種族歧視和「白人特權」思想,即容忍白人做出黑人不被接受的行為。

而事隔多日後,Liam Neeson 於早先正式為此事件發表了致歉聲明,當中除了指出其當年妄以無辜黑人來洩憤的思想和行為是錯誤的之外,更為自己無心道出此事件時造成人們的傷害而致歉。

Over the last several weeks, I have reflected on and spoken to a variety of people who were hurt by my impulsive recounting of a brutal rape of a dear female friend nearly 40 years ago and my unacceptable thoughts and actions at that time in response to this crime. The horror of what happened to my friend ignited irrational thoughts that do not represent the person I am. In trying to explain those feelings today, I missed the point and hurt many people at a time when language is so often weaponized and an entire community of innocent people are targeted in acts of rage. What I failed to realize is that this is not about justifying my anger all those years ago, it is also about the impact my words have today. I was wrong to do what I did. I recognize that, although the comments I made do not reflect, in any way, my true feelings nor me, they were hurtful and divisive. I profoundly apologize.

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一直關注此事的讀者便會記得事發之後,Liam Neeson 可謂越描越黑,今回的致歉聲明或將為其挽回些許聲譽,各位對此又有何看法?不妨在留言處與我們分享,另外亦可留意人氣亂鬥遊戲《Jump Force》最新預告揭示「海馬瀨人」登場的消息。




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