年度十大電影?《Get Out》導演 Jordan Peele 最新驚悚力作《Us》首波評價出爐
影評:Jordan Peele 會是下一位 Steven Spielberg。

《Get Out》金獎導演 Jordan Peele 最新驚悚力作《Us》(我們 / 我們·異)過去已發佈第一波與第二波的預告,而就在上映前夕,《Us》搶先登陸 SXSW 年度盛會,並在播映後獲得一片讚譽。有看過預告的讀者能發現,Jordan Peele 於《Get Out》建立的個人驚悚風格同樣有在《Us》中顯露而出,總在極其詭異的配樂下透露劇情中所具備的深層社會探討,而 Jordan Peele 對《Us》的想法是這樣形容的:「We are at a time where we fear ‘the other’…I wanted to suggest that the monster has our face, maybe the evil is us.」揭示著自我亦是邪惡的真相。
眾多正評中有人讚賞了女主角 Lupita Nyong’o 的精湛演出,亦有人提到《Us》存有著 David Cronenberg、Ray Bradbury 與 Alfred Hitchcock 等多位恐怖、驚悚大導的風采,更點評 Jordan Peele 是下一位 Steven Spielberg,表示《Us》絕對會是年度最佳電影的有力候選代表。
Jordan Peele’s “Us” is a horror masterpiece. We are witnessing the birth of our modern day Hitchcock. 20 years from now we will ask one another what our favorite Peele film is & you will get 10/12 different answers. Incredible performance from Lupita Nyong’o! #UsMovie #UsFirst pic.twitter.com/vvHunYqSxd
— Clayton Davis (@AwardsCircuit) 2019年3月9日
It should surprise no one that US is a very satisfying (and anxiety-inducing) follow up to GET OUT. What’s more fascinating: that a high-concept FUNNY GAMES/Hitchcock/Cronenberg/Bradbury mashup could feel so fresh at the same time. #sxsw
— erickohn (@erickohn) 2019年3月9日
It’s official: Jordan Peele is the new Spielberg. #Us is going to be one of the biggest movies of the year. #SXSW
— Ramin Setoodeh (@RaminSetoodeh) 2019年3月9日
#UsMovie just cemented Jordan Peele as the greatest horror mastermind of the decade. A terrifying, funny, smart, thoughtful movie with a phenomenal cast. Between this and Little Monsters we are living in the year of Lupita Nyong’o!
— Rafael Motamayor @ SXSW (@GeekWithAnAfro) 2019年3月9日
Jordan Peele’s #Us is absolutely nuts! Deliriously horrific, incredibly inventive, it has elements of the home invasion & zombie movies, but it is unlike anything I have ever seen. Wildly captivating from start to finish. #SXSW pic.twitter.com/vATBSUhD7e
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) 2019年3月9日
《Us》將於 3 月 22 日正式上映,有興趣的讀者不妨留意 HYPEBEAST 的追蹤報導,亦可觀看《祖孽/宿怨》導演新作《Midsommar》首波預告。