Terms and Conditions條款及細則
[Important Note] By participating and completing this pre-order registration,
Eligible Participants (as defined in Clause 2 herein) shall be deemed to have fully
read, understood, accepted and agreed to comply with the
terms and conditions of this pre-order registration. adidas Hong Kong Limited
(“adidas”) reserves the right to suspend, modify, terminate or amend the terms
of this pre-order registration without further notice.
1. The pre-order registration period of UltraBOOST 19 Limited Boxset (hereafter called “UltraBOOST 19 Boxset”) is as follows:
- B37705 and F35284: 12:00 of 14 February 2019 till 11:59 of 19 February 2019;
- B37704 and B75879: 12:00 of 16 February 2019 till 11:59 of 19 February 2019; and
- B37707 and D96863: 12:00 of 18 February 2019 till 11:59 of 19 February 2019. (hereafter collectively called “Pre-order Registration Period”)
Registrations before and after the aforesaid Pre-order Registration Period will not be processed. The time of registration will be based on the actual receiving time recorded by the computer server of adidas.
UltraBOOST 19 限量套裝 (以下統稱為「UltraBOOST
19套裝」) 的登記預購期如下:
- B37705 及 F35284: 由2019年2月14日正午12時00分至2019年2月19日 上午11時59分;
- B37704 及 B75879: 由2019年2月16日正午12時00分至2019年2月19日 上午11時59分; 及
- B37707 及 D96863:由2019年2月18日正午12時00分至2019年2月19日 上午11時59分 (以下統稱為「登記預購期」)
2. To qualify for the pre-order registration of UltraBOOST 19 Boxset, participants must be Hong Kong residents, holders of valid Hong Kong Identity Card and aged eighteen (18) or above at the time of entry, or aged between thirteen (13) and eighteen (18) at the time of entry but obtained consent from their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) to participate in this pre-order registration. (the “Eligible Participants” and each a “Eligible Participant”)
要符合參加是次UltraBOOST 19套裝預購登記的資格,參加者必須為香港居民、持有有效香港居民身份證並年滿18歲或以上﹝以參加當刻的年齡為準﹞或已年滿13歲但未滿18歲﹝以參加當刻的年齡為準﹞但已取得父母或法定監護人同意參加此預購登記。 (「合資格參加者」)
Pre-order registration
3. During the Pre-order Registration Period, Eligible Participants shall go to the pre-order registration website (https://hypebeast.com/zh/2019/2/adidas-ultraboost-19 ) to fill out and submit the online pre-order registration form with the following required information in order to complete the pre-order registration process:
i. full name as printed on HKID card;
ii. first four alphanumeric digits of HKID (e.g. A123XXX(X));
iii. Hong Kong mobile number;
iv. email address; and
v. chosen shoe size (UK Size 3.5 – 11 – with half-size increment).
合資格參加者必須於登記預購期內於登記預購網頁 (https://hypebeast.com/zh/2019/2/adidas-ultraboost-19) 的登記預購表格上填妥並遞交以下必填資料,以完成預購登記程序:
i. 香港身分證上的英文全名;
ii. 香港身份證首四位字元 (包含字母) (例:A123xxx(x));
iii. 香港手提電話號碼;
iv. 電郵地址; 及
v. 選擇尺碼 (UK Size 3.5 – 11 – 以半碼為標準單位)
4. The total quantities of UltraBOOST 19 Boxset available for this pre-order registration are limited to 500 boxsets, and online pre-order registration will be suspended once the quota is full.
是次登記預購的UltraBOOST 19套裝數量有限 (共500套),額滿即止。
5. The pre-order registration will be processed on a “first come first served” basis according to the time of registration and the style and size of UltraBOOST 19 Boxset selected.
合資格參加者的預購登記會根據其網上登記的時間及所選擇的UltraBOOST 19套裝鞋款及尺碼,按先到先得的原則供合資格參加者預購。
6. Each Eligible Participant can only register once to pre-order only one UltraBOOST 19 Boxset in only one style and one size during the Pre-order Registration Period.
每位合資格參加者於登記預購期內只可登記一次以預購一套UltraBOOST 19套裝,並只可選擇一個鞋款及一個尺碼。
7. Each mobile number shall register once only. Any pre-order registrations with duplicated mobile number shall be disqualified from the pre-order registration without notice.
9. adidas shall not be responsible for any damage, disappointment or loss of any Eligible Participants in the event that the Eligible customers fail or are unable to provide the required information during the Pre-order Registration Period to successfully complete the pre-order registration of UltraBOOST 19 Boxset for whatever reason.
若合資格參加者因任何原因使該合資格參加者無法於登記預購期內提供所需資料而無法成功登記預購UltraBOOST 19套裝,adidas無須為任何人士的任何損害、失望或損失負責。
10. Should there be any lost, delayed, failed or unclear registrations, registrations with inaccurate or incomplete information or duplicated registrations, such registrations shall be disqualified from the pre-order registration, and adidas shall not have any responsibility to inform any participants whose pre-order registration are disqualified and shall not be responsible for such disqualifications.
Sales Arrangement for Successful Registrants
10. A confirmation SMS (“Confirmation SMS”) with details of sales arrangement will be sent to the Eligible Participants whose pre-order registration of the UltraBOOST 19 Boxset is successful (“Successful Registrants”) on 20 February 2019. Time for SMS delivery may vary due to mobile network coverage. Standard SMS charges may apply depending on your mobile carrier.
成功預購UltraBOOST 19套裝的合資格參加者(「成功預購者」) 將會在2019年2月20日獲確認短訊 (「確認短訊」) 通知有關購買詳情。請注意發送短訊的速度取決於電訊網路的服務範圍,電訊公司可能會收取短訊服務費。
11. Successful Registrants MUST go to the designated shop IN PERSON to buy the pre-ordered UltraBOOST 19 Boxset within the designated timeslot on the designated purchase date (21 February 2019 – 23 February 2019) assigned to the Successful Registrants in the Confirmation SMS. The Successful Registrants MUST present the Confirmation SMS and his/her original HKID for verification. If the Successful Registrants cannot provide any of the aforementioned document(s) for verification or the information on the documents provided shows any discrepancy with the online pre-order registration information, they will not be able to buy their pre-ordered UltraBOOST 19 Boxset.
成功預購者必須於確認短訊中列明的指定購買日期(2019年2月21日至2月23日)及指定購買時段內親身到指定店鋪購買其預購之UltraBOOST 19套裝。成功預購者必須出示確認短訊及其香港身份證正本予職員核對。如未能按規定出示任何一樣上述指定文件,或出示之文件資料與網上預購登記資料不相符,將無法購買其預購之UltraBOOST 19套裝。
12. Confirmation SMS will not be re-sent in case of loss.
13. Successful Registrants cannot by any means authorise a third-party to buy the pre-ordered UltraBOOST 19 Boxset on their behalf.
成功預購者不可以任何形式委託他人購買其預購之UltraBOOST 19套裝。
14. Successful Registrants can only buy the UltraBOOST 19 Boxset in the size as indicated at registration and cannot exchange for another product or size.
UltraBOOST 19套裝尺碼將根據登記預購時之要求安排,不能作出更改或更換其他產品或尺碼。
15. Since UltraBOOST 19 Boxset is a special edition product with limited quantity, each UltraBOOST 19 Boxset will be pre-assigned to each individual Winner and will be sold to the Winner in “as-is” condition. In the event that the Winner check that his/her assigned UltraBOOST 19 Boxset has any defect(s) before payment, he/she can choose to buy the UltraBOOST 19 Boxset in “as-is” condition or not, and adidas cannot offer any replacement to the Winner.
UltraBOOST 19套裝屬於特別版貨品,因貨品數量有限,每對UltraBOOST 19套裝會預先分配予每位成功預購者,並將以現狀售予成功預購者。若成功預購者於付款前發現其被分配的UltraBOOST 19套裝有任何瑕疵,成功預購者可選擇購買或放棄,adidas將不會提供另一對UltraBOOST 19套裝予成功預購者購買。
16. Successful Registrants should complete and sign the confirmation letter after receiving their pre-ordered UltraBOOST 19 Boxset. If the Successful Registrants refuse to complete and sign the confirmation letter, they will not be able to purchase their pre-ordered UltraBOOST 19 Boxset.
成功預購者收妥其預購之UltraBOOST 19套裝後必須填妥及簽署確認書。成功預購者如未能按規定填妥及簽署確認書,將無法購買其預購之UltraBOOST 19套裝。
17. If for whatever reasons the Successful Registrants failed to buy their pre-ordered UltraBOOST 19 Boxset according to the instructions as stated in the Confirmation SMS within the designated timeslot on the designated date, their UltraBOOST 19 Boxset pre-order will be cancelled, the Successful Registrants shall be deemed to have waived their rights to buy the UltraBOOST 19 Boxset, and adidas has the sole and absolute discretion to sell their pre-ordered UltraBOOST 19 Boxset to other customers.
成功預購者如因任何原因未能根據確認短訊內的指定日期及指定購買時段內按指示購買其預購之UltraBOOST 19套裝,其UltraBOOST 19套裝預購將會被取消及被視為放棄其購買權,且adidas擁有唯一及絕對酌情權將其預購的產品售予其他顧客。
18. All kinds of cash coupons, discounts and promotional offers are not applicable to the UltraBOOST 19 Boxset available during this pre-order registration.
所有現金券、折扣及推廣優惠均不適用於是次預購的UltraBOOST 19套裝。
19. No exchange or refund is allowed for the UltraBOOST 19 Boxset available during this pre-order registration.
20. In the event that typhoon signal no. 8 or above or black rain signal is hoisted on the specified date stated in the Confirmation SMS, Successful Registrants will be notified of the alternative sales arrangement by SMS or email.
21. adidas shall not be responsible for any damage, disappointment or loss of any Successful Registrants in the event that the Successful Registrants fail to buy the UltraBOOST 19 Boxset resulted from their inability to provide the required documents for verification for whatever reason or incorrect data input during the online pre-order registration.
若成功預購者因任何原因未能提供所需文件予職員核對或因成功預購者於填寫網上登記預購表格時有任何錯漏而使其無法購買UltraBOOST 19套裝,adidas無須為任何人士的任何損害、失望或損失負責。
22. adidas reserves the right to reject the customers’ pre-order purchase without prior notice if it is found that the Confirmation SMS is fabricated or reproduced, or the customer has made any unacceptable transaction, fraud or misuse in relation to this pre-order registration.
如任何人擅自偽造或複製確認短訊、進行不被認可之交易或任何與此登記預購有關之欺詐或濫用情況,adidas有權拒絶顧客的預購, 而毋須事先通知。
23. Please email to contact@adidas.com for any enquiry about this pre-order registration.
24. adidas shall accept no responsibility nor liability for (i) any incorrect or inaccurate entry form information, or for any faulty or failed electronic data transmissions; (ii) any technical malfunction, failure, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or communications line failure, regardless of cause, with regard to any equipment, systems, networks, lines, satellites, servers, mobile phones, tablets, computers or providers utilised in any aspect of the submission of an entry or the operation of the pre-order registration; (iii) inaccessibility or unavailability of the Internet; or (iv) any injury or loss of participants which may be related to or resulting from any attempt to participate in the pre-order registration.
25. adidas will not be liable for any loss, inaccuracy, unidentifiable or destruction of information and/or entries due to any events caused by mobile phones, tablets, computers, networks, telephone, technical issues or any other reasons not within the control of the Organiser.
26. Information (including, but without limitation, personal data) provided by Eligible Participants and the Successful Registrants in the pre-order registration will be used by adidas for administering the pre-order registration and market analysis. adidas may pass such information to its retained service providers for management of the pre-order registration, data processing and other purposes directly related to the pre-order registration. By consenting to participate and participating in the pre-order registration, and completing a pre-order registration via this website, the Eligible Participant consents to such uses of his/her personal information.
27. With a Eligible Participant’s consent, the name, email address and telephone number of the Eligible Participant will be retained and used by adidas to send to the Eligible Participant promotional materials for campaigns similar to this pre-order registration as well as promotions, announcements and offers relating to adidas products and services. Eligible Participants may at any time indicate their wish not to receive such information by emailing to contact@adidas.com.
28. adidas and its retained service providers will only keep such personal data for so long as they are required for the purposes stated in the terms and conditions herein. Unless otherwise required for the purposes stated in the terms and conditions herein, all personal data collected pursuant to the pre-order registration will be automatically destroyed within three months after the end of the pre-order registration.
29. adidas and its retained service providers will treat all personal data collected from Eligible Participants in confidence. The entire rights of each Eligible Participant under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) shall be recognized by adidas and its retained service providers at all times. Registration data and other information about Eligible Participants are subject to adidas’ privacy policy. For more information, please see adidas’ full privacy policy at http://www.adidas.com.hk/Local-Privacy-Policy-English.html.
adidas及其聘用之服務供應商都會保密處理所有合資格參加者的個人資料。adidas及其聘用之服務供應商明確知道所有合資格參加者的個人資料在任何情況下都受著個人資料(私穩)條例﹝香港法例第486章﹞所保護。adidas網頁之私隱保護政策適用於登記及一切有關參加者的資料。詳情請查閱: http://www.adidas.com.hk/Local-Privacy-Policy-Chinese.html 所載之私隱保護政策。
30. In case of any disputes arising from or in connection with this pre-order registration (including but not limited to the application and interpretation of these Terms and Conditions) and related activities, adidas has the absolute right to make final decision thereon without further notice.