科幻鉅作《Blade Runner》、《Aliens》之傳奇藝術統籌 Syd Mead 去世

曾負責多部熱門科幻電影概念的藝術家 Syd Mead 於稍早離世,享壽 86 歲。
Syd Mead 以在《Blade Runner》、《Blade Runner 2049》、《TRON》、《Aliens》和《Star Trek》中的作品聞名,除了西方科幻鉅作之外,甚至在日本的《大和號 2520》和《Gundam 鋼彈》系列中也見得到他的身影。在電影和動漫之外,Syd Mead 也曾替許多知名企業像是 Ford、Honda、Volvo 和 Philips 等製作過插畫和形象概念,讓群眾進入一個新的科幻維度。
Syd Mead 的影響力貫穿了整個科幻宇宙,無論是 Cyberpunk、Steampunk 或是古典科幻他皆能輕鬆駕馭,將腦中的未來世界完美具現化,許多當代藝術家都將他的設計方法和風格與自身作品結合,打造別具風味的車輛、建築和藝術品。在 2008 年一場和《New York Times》的訪談中,Syd Mead 表示他認為 Sci-Fi 作品中的一切終究會出現在人類的現實生活中,「我將科幻作品稱之為『搶先來到的未來』」Syd Mead 說道。
Syd Mead 可謂是一名「世界建造者」,或許我們再也不會遇見像他一樣如此富具才華的創作人,在此不妨回顧以下新聞,讓我們一同悼念這位傳奇藝術家。
Syd Mead was a world builder the likes of which cinema had never seen, and probably won’t see again. Such a pleasure to interview him for my BLADE RUNNER and ALIENS docs, and I’ll forever be inspired by his visionary art. Condolences to Roger, Syd’s family, friends and many fans. https://t.co/YNZOSxL2xJ
— Charles de Lauzirika (@Lauzirika) December 30, 2019
I know this isn’t technically the STARLOG account, but it would be remiss not to acknowledge that the legendary SYD MEAD (ALIENS, BLADE RUNNER, TRON, every futuristic landscape you’ve ever seen) just passed away. RIP. pic.twitter.com/uRt58a1H2i
— FANGORIA (@FANGORIA) December 30, 2019
#RIP Syd Mead, the concept artist & illustrator who played a pivotal role in designing the look of films like BLADE RUNNER, ALIENS, TRON, STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE, TOMORROWLAND and SHORT CIRCUIT, has died at 86. He was to be honored by the Art Directors Guild next February. pic.twitter.com/JLYcAHsD4Y
— cartoonbrew.com (@cartoonbrew) December 30, 2019
Rest In Peace, Syd Mead, a titan in the world of film design, known best for his work on #BladeRunner, #BladeRunner2049, #StarTrek: The Motion Picture, #TRON, and #Aliens. https://t.co/9Nw4EGHOmL
— Phil Szostak (@PhilSzostak) December 30, 2019
This Syd Mead’s 1969 illustration of a four-legged walking truck was partial inspiration to @ILMVFX art director Joe Johnston in the creation of Imperial AT-AT walkers, as discussed in @jwrinzler’s essential The Making of #StarWars: #TheEmpireStrikesBack. https://t.co/dZGD7wmU8X
— Phil Szostak (@PhilSzostak) December 26, 2018
Syd Mead has passed away at the age of 86.
He was a designer of several of Turn A Gundam’s mobile suits, may he rest in peace. pic.twitter.com/bkRuyXxJZL
— Aria The Natural (@buildknuckle) December 30, 2019
RIP concept artist Syd Mead (1933-2019)
Star Trek The Motion Picture
Blade Runner
Short Circuit
Strange Days
Johnny Mnemonic
Tron 2.0
Mission Impossible 3
Blade Runner 2049 pic.twitter.com/RqKbukmPDn— Jesse Hamm (@jesse_hamm) December 30, 2019
Cities of the future, illustrated by Syd Mead (1933-2019) pic.twitter.com/9YpZPaGQ6V
— Humanoid History (@HumanoidHistory) December 31, 2019