
如果一齣電影能帶來為一件東西或一個地方留下深下印象,那幾乎已經代表了這齣電影已經獲得了成功。毫無疑問,電影《Joker》獲得了絕佳之好評,叫好叫座,除了主角的演技及造型受到了熱烈討論之外,當中於紐約市取景的一條樓梯亦成為了最近的「打卡」新聖地。正如《Inception》內的 Le Pont de Bir-Hakeim 橋,很多成功的電影都造就了著名景點,而《Joker》就為紐約市內 West 167th Street 一條本來平平無奇的樓梯帶來一絲傳奇,最近就有不少人前來參觀並模彷戲內 Joker 跳舞的情節,該樓梯甚至在 Google Maps 上被列名為「Joker Stairs」,身在紐約或即場前往的人不妨考慮朝聖。
Joker fans, here's where you can go dance on those steps in the movie. It's a real location—and it's in the Bronx: https://t.co/2fDzrDKv7V pic.twitter.com/1oHFZFAVaF
— Time Out New York (@TimeOutNewYork) October 17, 2019
those awful stairs on 167 are now renamed “the joker stairs” so i just want to remind everyone that the bronx is not a friendly place for tourist attractions you will get robbed beloved pic.twitter.com/YJuiiAreEM
— bella goth (@kailaniskye) October 15, 2019