Kanye 再次於 Twitter 暴走並要求 Drake「公開道歉」!?
兩人的 Beef 究竟還要吵多久?

話題大神 Kanye West 除了在去年底贈送一戶要價 $1,400 萬美元的住房贈予 Kim Kardashian 之外,他與昔日好兄弟 Drake 的恩怨情仇依舊尚未解開。過去,Kanye West 曾在 Twitter 接連發布多則訊息(點此觀看爭吵細節),向 Drake 放話不要一直做小動作,甚至要他不要破壞他的家庭。關於 Kanye 的種種暴走行為,讓他惹來不少網民反感,而本次抓狂中最為關鍵的話即是 Kanye 希望 Drake 能公開道歉。
Kanye 近年一直受到心理疾病影響,雖然許多言論或是行為都讓他飽受批評,但他對於「Peace & Love」這點卻是不遺餘力地進行提倡。如同下方多則貼文,雖然 Kanye 看似一直批評著 Drake,但他也表示他依舊關愛著 Drake,因此就看 Drake 該如何回應?
I’ve never mentioned or touched on anything related to family when it came to Drake? he followed my wife on Instagram he mentioned Pusha’s fiancé in a song
He dodged me for months when I extended olive branches to talk and then called to threaten me
This man tried to used my family’s song to get at me He been trying to pick a fight since the pool line
Who’s bright idea was it to tell Drake to follow my wife on Instagram ? This person is not Drskes friend
I don’t have beef with no one. Love everyone but don’t follow my fucking wife on Instagram
Ima focus on my family And you keep my family out of all of this wrestling foolishness
You could have been sat down with me I don’t need to score no points off of drake. If that was the case I wouldn’t have reached out in the first place
I don’t ignore people and I also don’t let people just fuck with me
I only play by God’s rules. I don’t follow no man made codes
Much love to people who think it’s better to fight or even worse over talking Y’all day it’s lame when I tweet but this man been dodging me and I got something to say
Or it’s cool if it’s a diss record because it’s more entertaining? Ima break all codes. I ain’t taking advice from no one who ain’t do nothing to actually help
This man followed my wife on Instagram I feel a public apology in order
I ain’t never followed anyone else’s methods I ain’t trying to be cool
If I got any cooler I would freeze to death
See when you care about your family you don’t let no man push you to do nothing that could risk your freedom
Tweeting is legal and also therapeutic
If something’s on my mind and spirit I let it out
I love everyone even Drake. That’s my whole thing
Love everyone
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